3. Kai

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It was 8:30pm and you had just got back from training.

You had a big show coming up and you were behind on choreography. You had just danced for 3 hours straight and were ready for a hot shower and a movie marathon.

You checked your pockets for your phone because you cant live without it, obviously.

Oh no.

Its not there.

Panicking as you realised you must've left it in the hall. You dropped your bag in your house and sprinted back to the dance hall.

When you got there light was on and a popular dancing song was playing, someone must be in there.

You opened the door very quietly and slowly, peaking into the room.

There, dancing with full effort, sweating was in fact your good friend Jongin who you had a massive crush on.

Gosh he looks sexy.

You blushed and cleared your throat to make your presence clear.

He jumped and turned around his eyes widening at the sight of you.

You weren't sure how he was going to react as recently he has been acting a little suspicions around you.

"Oh um hey (Y/N) i didn't see you there" he shyly smiled his cheeks slowly growing red.

"Hey Jongin i didn't know you danced." You kindly smiled. "You're really se- good!"

"Uh..thanks. I needed a bit of practice." He scratched the back of his neck. "So why are you here?" He added.

"Well I was just here and, forgot this." You walked over to grab your phone.

"You know how late it is?" You walked back to him, he looked really tired. Placing a hand on his shoulder, you shivered as sparks flew up your arm.

"Um not really." He chuckled shyly.

"Well its quite late, do you have a way to get home?" You asked.

"nope I walked here earlier when it was light outside I didn't really think of that." He smiled down at you.

"Oh, I ran here when I remembered my phone. But I live just down the road if you want to come back to mine?" His eyes brightened up and he smirked.

"Yeah sure thing" he wrapped a long arm round your waist and guided you out the hall. As you were walking home he couldn't stop starring at you.

Once you got back into your house you were both really tired so you just placed yourselves or the sofa putting a random channel on.

"Hey (Y/N), I need to tell you something." Jongin mumbled muting the TV and facing you.

"What is it Jongin?"

"I think- no! I know.... I-I like you." He blushed and looked away.

"What. Wait. Really?" He slightly nodded and a huge smile covered your face.

You didn't have to reply, you just grabbed his face and smashed your lips together.

You smiled and said "I like you too, Kai."

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