4. Luhan

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It was last lesson on a Friday and you were sitting opposite your boyfriend Luhan.

He had been staring at you for a while now and you had found it quite funny.

"What? Lu stop staring." You whispered giggling.

He just frowned and whispered, "But I want to look at my Jagiya."

He takes your hand and kisses it, you look down blushing and he smiled

You stare at each other for a few seconds, holding hands across the table until he started saying,

"I lov..."

Suddenly the teacher cut him off by coughing loudly at the two of you.

Being shy and not wanting to get in trouble you pull away quickly.

All his friends sitting around you nudge and laugh and you both sit there blushing.

After the lesson Luhan

I didn't write this! My best friend wrote it and I stole it so all credit goes to myboyz5sosxx 😘😘

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