12. Chanyeol

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Your boyfriend's of three years, Chanyeol, is known as the happy virus and there's no doubt about that. He is always happy unless someone had died or someone was upsetting him but he always told you straight away why he was upset.

However this time has been different. He hasn't been himself for a few days now and no matter how much you try to get through to him, it never wouldn't tell you what was wrong.

just brushing off your attempts with a shrug or a quiet "nevermind", which seemed to upset you too.

The two of you were sitting on the sofa with a steaming mug of hot chocolate each. Your legs were resting on his lap whilst you flicked through the last few pages of your book.

You get to the end of the book and slam it closed, sighing in triumph.

"Another book finished in one day! Boom!" You laughed, placing the book on the floor.

Usually Chan would play along and laugh with you, but when you didn't get a reaction from him, you immediately looked at him.

He was staring at the wall in silence and had been the whole time you had been reading. Gulping a swallow through his dry, closed up throat every now and then.

"Oppa-yah! Come on...why can't you tell me what is making you upset huh?" You whine, tugging at the sleeve of his jumper.

He pulled away, shaking his head slightly and looking at the ground, blinking away a few tears.

"It doesn't matter," he mumbles.

"Why? Chanyeol this isn't you! Come on just tell me! I can help!" You sigh.

"You won't care, you are just gonna think I'm stupid so.. never mind," he mutters under his breath.

You were a little taken a back by this comment. Did he really think you don't care?

"Seriously? We've been through so much and you think that's what I think?" You say.

"I said never mind!" He yelled at you.

Your eyes filled with tears. He's never properly shouted at you like that before, not even during arguments. It scared you.

"Fine!" You yell back, standing up and running upstairs.

"Babe I'm sorry...babe?" You heard

Him call after you.

"Leave me alone," you sighed, before going to the bathroom and running a hot bath.

You dropped a bath bomb into the hot water and watched it fizz up (so satisfied) before squeezing in some bubble bath soap.

Yes it was a children's one but you and Chan always love the great bubbles it created. You stripped off and hopped into the bath, feeling a bit more relaxed already.

After a while, your eyes began to close but the door opening woke you up. You opened one eye to see Chanyeol walking in.

"Can I join?...please?" He asked, avoiding your gaze.

You smiled to yourself. 'Finally' you thought.

"Of course babe," you say.

He smiled before hopping out of his clothes and sliding behind you in the bathtub. Your back was pressed against his warm chest, his hands rubbing circles on your rib cage.

"I'm sorry about earlier, I'm just really stressed...I guess," Chanyeol breaks the comfortable silence.

"It's okay but is that all that's upsetting you or is there more to it?" You giggle, tipping your head back against his chest to look up at him.

"I am going on tour next month and that means I'm going to miss your birthday," he mummbled, looking straight ahead.

"Is that it? All of that for nothing?" You sigh, reaching up and tangling your fingers in his soft locks.

"So...your not mad or upset?" He looked down at you.

"No baby...I'm used to it," you laugh as he leans down and places a passionate kiss on your lips.

"Ooh don't look a second!" He suddenly shouts.

"Why?" You laugh.

"Just one second!" He chuckles, making you face the wall.

You hear water splashing around before you hear him say okay. You turn your whole body around to face him before bursting out laughing when you see him with a bubble beard and moustache.

"Should I grow one?" He giggles.

"Oh definitely! And what about me?" You ask before grabbing some bubbles and making yourself look like Santa.

"Just one more thing..." Chanyeol suggests before dumping more bubbles


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