7. kris

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"Kris...I'm scared" you whisper, slightly hiding behind your boyfriend's large frame, your small arms wrapping around his elbow.

The two of you had been waiting for Yixing to pick you up for over 2 hours now and you and Kris were getting really worried, trying desperately to get hold of someone.

You and your boyfriend had been on walk through the local woods when you ended up god knows where.

You had found a clearance with an old and worn down road and opposite you stood a tall, wooden abandoned house, an old wooden wheelbarrow sitting next to it and a wooden rocking chair that slowly rocked with the light wind that was howling in the distance.

You weren't the type of person to believe in ghost stories and you never watched horror movies but right now you couldn't feel more uncomfortable. The feeling of someone watching the two of you was present and it made you body tingle with fear.

You looked up at Kris who was trying yo ring Yixing again but there was no hope as you were in the middle of nowhere.

"Ugh no connection! For fuck sake!" He shouted pulling away from you and walking away, running his hands through his hair in frustration.

You stood and watched, shivering before looking at your feet. It was midnight and the only light helping you see was your phone light and the distant flickering of a broken street lamp.

Your teeth chattered in fear as Kris kicked a nearby log in rage he kept swearing and shouting. A slow tear ran down your face and you quickly wiped it away, making sure it wasn't obvious that you were crying. You hated seeing your boyfriend like this...it actually scared you.

You knew what he was capable of and you couldn't help but worry that he might do something stupid.

"K-kris...oppa...stop...your scaring me" you sniffed, another tear spilling down your pink cheek. Kris stopped immediately and slowly walked up to you, tucking your hair behind your ear.

"I'm sorry" he whispered. "its fine" you mumbled, eyes glued on the floor.

He hooked his fingers under your chin, lifting it before pressing a soft peck on your lips

"forgive me?" He whispered

"of course" you sniff, as he wrapped his protective strong arms around your shoulders, nuzzling his face into your neck.

You burry your face into his warm chest, you tiny hand gripping onto the soft material of his brown wooly jumper. He removed one of his hands from your shoulders and held onto one of your hands against his chest, holding it so you could feel his racing heart beat.

It was times like this that made the two of you fall in love with each other all over again. Suddenly, his heart beat began to increase when the sound of a car skidding round the corner echoed.

'This is it' you thought to yourself 'We're gonna be murdered!' You pulled Kris closer in fear and shut your eyes tight but instead of the sound of a chainsaw that you expected, a familiar voice rang in your ears.

"How the heck did you two end up here?" It was lay. You sighed in relive, pulling away from your oppa.

"Where the fuck have you been?!" Kris yelled, opening the cars back door.

"Get in and I'll explain" yixing chuckled at his feistiness as the two of you clambered into the car, delighted to finally feel safe and warm.

As you were driving back you heard him mumble,

"Damn this is not my style."

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