6. Lay

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"(Y/N) are you sure you'll be okay or your own ?" Your mum asked you.

"Mum chill out! I'll be fine! You'll only be gone for two days! I can take care of myself," you laugh slightly at your mums constant worrying.

"I know but I just..."

"Go!" You laughed pushing her out of my room gently.

"Okay," she sighed in defeat, kissing your forehead. She said goodbye before closing the door.

You got out of bed and ran to the front room's window, watching as her car pulled out and making sure she was definitely gone.

The house fell silent. You ran back to your room, grabbing your phone and texting your boyfriend, Yixing, to come over before jumping into the shower for a quick wash over.

You knew it was going to take him a while to arrive. You and Yixing have been together for 3 years and if there is one thing that you have learnt about him, its that he takes forever and a day to do anything.

After your shower you threw on a giant grey hoodie that belongs to Yixing and your grey over the knee socks. You didn't bother with shorts or make up since it was only Yixing.

You were midway through putting your dirty pants in the wash basket when you heard a loud thud on your window. You opened your curtains to see Lay holding on for dear life , looking down at the floor in fear.

"Aish, this dork," you sighed in amusement, opening your window enough for him to squeeze through.

"You know we have a front door, right?" You giggle and he clambers in.

"Mph," he fell flat on his face, causing a laugh to erupt from you.

"Your parents aren't home?" He mumbled into the floor.

"Nope," you said, stepping over him and shutting the window.

He immediately sprung to his feet. "Perfect!" Yixing bit his lip, grabbing your waist and crashing your bodies together, capturing your lips in a passionate kiss.

As the kiss became more heated, more tongue was involved and Lay's hand wondered from your waist to your butt. You felt your knees getting weak so you walked backwards until you felt your bed against your legs.

Lay broke the kiss, pushing you onto your bed, stripping off his shirt and climbing on top of you, slightly lifting the hem of your jumper to expose your stomach.

He never broke eye contact with you as he leant down, leaving kisses on your stomach.

You squirmed underneath him, giggling uncontrollably at your extremely ticklish stomach. Lay pulled away and whined

"baabbe," You bit your lip, grabbing the back of his head, pulling him towards you.

You grabbed a handful of his hair, making him think you were going to kiss before softly blowing on his ticklish neck. He squirmed and screamed, dropping floppy next to you.

You looked at him and saw playfulness in his eyes. You squealed, jumping up and running away. You ran down the stairs, hearing footsteps and laughing from behind you.

You had got to the kitchen when you felt a pair of familiar strong arms wrap round your waist, picking you up.

"I don't think so Jagi-yah" Yixing chuckled before throwing on the the sofa and attacking your sides.

You must have spent a long time play fighting and tickling because it was already dark again and the cushions were everywhere and you were both on the floor, laughing and trying to catch your breath.

You felt Yixing's arm fix around you shoulders, pulling you into his side. You pulled away, clambering onto him, straddling his waist. He propped himself up on his elbows, staring loving into your eyes.

You poked his dimple as he smiled, placing your other hand on his bare, sweaty chest. He pushed a loose strand of your hair from you even more messy than before bun behind your ear.

You smiled and hummed in content, taking in every single part of Yixing's beautiful face.

"I love you oppa," you thought you said in your head.

Lay smirked,"I love you to," he said before leaning in for another kiss.

His hands wondered back down to your butt and once again, the kiss very quickly became heated.

The both of you were so lost in each others kisses that you didn't notice that you're mum was back.

"(y/n)! Are you okay, the neighbours called and said that they heard you screaming..." She turned the corner to the living and saw you and Lay quickly jumping away from each other, messy hair, sweaty, wearing little clothes and pillows scattered everywhere, getting the complete wrong idea.

"Mum I promise you that screaming is not from what you think it is and this isn't what it looks like!" You tried to explain to your angry looking mother.

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