13. Chen

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'Meet in the park 7:00 - Chen..'

That's it. No kisses no emojis.

He must be serious about something, you hoped he wasn't mad. This wasn't like him. Jongdae was always happy and cheerful.

He could have been mad though, you hadn't been spending as much time together recently.

7:00 that gave you ten minutes, also it would be dark by then. What is he thinking?

You grabbed your coat and ran out the house, making your way to the park. You arrived at the park gates and looked around for him.

You couldn't see anyone but you still didn't give up. You walked over to a bench and decided to wait a little bit. After a while you saw a strange figure walking toward you he had his hood up with his face covered, you got a little scared and shuffled in your seat. he got closer and closer until he was only a couple of steps away, you were so scared at this stranger you got up and started walking at a quick pace away from him.

He then started running behind you. Getting closer and closer, a tear threatened to escape your eye as you felt a hand grab your wrist, you turned around to see the stranger pull down his mask and hood.

"Jongdae?" You whispered in shock, half not expecting it to be him. He just gave you a blank expression and mumbled,

"Y/N we need to talk." He cleared his throat. You gulped, a few tears dripping down your cheeks.

"Chen is everything okay?" He shook his head and looked at his feet.

"Y/N, I.... I cant live like this any more." he threw his hands up in the air and spun around. tears were now streaming steadily down your face.

"What do you mean?" You whispered.

His face changed from sad and disappointed to happy and trolling,

"Y/N I can't live in this world without you being my wife. Will you marry me?" He questioned a massive grin on his lips. As he pulled a small white box from his pocket.

You gasped and slapped his chest.

"Chen you troll!!!! Of course I'll marry you!" You accepted the ring and grabbed his face crashing your lips together.

"I love you so much my Jagiyah." he mumbled into your lips.

"I love you too, you annoying troll."

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