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Keira strolled through the halls of her school, hands swinging at her sides, chin up, back straight. She wasn't going anywhere, her walk was just for dramatics.

And boy, did she love drama.

It encircled Keira like a cloud, billowing around to encompass her entire being. She thrived on cheap rumors; they made her who she is.

Her lips, painted a racy red, were twisted into a flirty smirk. She could feel everyone's eyes on her, and she loved it. All the attention, the glamour of being popular and cool- that was the life she liked to live.

You could call Keira a bad girl. That wouldn't be a lie. It's just not entirely accurate. Oh, how does one begin to explain, to unravel Keira?

She specializes in stealing hearts. With the single flick of her hair over one shoulder, boys are entranced. Girls just scoff, secretly wishing to have the same flair.

What do you get if you strip off all the labels coating someone like Keira? The ones shouting bad girl, rebel, tease- would you find someone real? Someone who, in essence, simply wants to live like any other person, someone who's just a girl, not this monster that people have shaped with their sharp tongues and dehumanizing rumors that circulate the air like a virus, infecting even the purest of hearts.

But who would know? Nobody stops to think about her side of the story. Nobody takes her feelings into account. As a matter of fact, they don't think she has any.

How wrong they are.

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