t w e l v e

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She feels like a toy doll, the ones that young girls play with. Except she's broken. Her hair is torn and her painted makeup is smudged off. Her clothes are in tatters and her limbs are disfigured.

She looks fine, but she feels like a broken doll. Plastic, temporary enjoyment, soon thrown away.

Keira doubts that anyone can fix her. Put her back together again.

Once upon a time, perhaps, it would've been possible.

Once upon a time. It felt like such a long time ago.

Once upon a time. Once upon a better time.

Keira thinks fairy tales are stupid. Their endings are false. Nobody gets a truly happy ending, even if they find their prince or princess.

That's because Keira found her prince, once upon a time, long long ago.

He was caring and kind and always, always listened. He cared about her, and made sure she was okay. He held her together when everything in her life was falling apart. He even picked up the pieces of her broken heart and gave it back to her.

But life isn't a fairy tale. Life isn't fair.

After all, you must feel pain and misery to truly feel alive.

It's cruel how the best people get the worst fates.

One day he was here, and the next he was gone. He was just gone.

And Keira never got to tell him she loved him.

And that broke something in Keira.

Something that couldn't be fixed or replaced.

She's never going to feel complete again, she fears at times.

But then those fears subside. Because she doesn't know if she's capable of caring anymore.

That was the day that Keira learned to stop putting her heart into the hands of others because the only thing they know how to do is crush it.

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