Stacey Was Here

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I'm am sooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo sorry that I haven't updated in like a million years but I found out how to update again.

The reason I didn't update was because I updated the new wattpad update on my ipad and it deleted all my story's that I have wrote and the ones in my library so I hope you can forgive me, I will be updating more offen because I can update now and this time I mean it. Xox

So please comment on what you think or just message me for a chat ANYTHING :) and don't forget to vote and just remember I LOVE YOU GUYS <3 xoxo

One night I was babysitting a friend's little girl. Her mum was going to the movies then out to dinner with a friend of hers. This girl was a very active little girl so I told her mum to bring over some movies for her and lots of toys. When we were playing with her dolls she brought over she started talking to her self and trying to hand some of the dolls clothes to something or someone that wasn't there... I played along and was like "is that your friend you're talking to" she laughed and said her name was Stacey and she asked to play with us. I was like OK cool she can play with us (I had just moved into my new room at uni at the time so when she was busy playing with her "friend" I thought I would start unpacking the last of my boxes) so whatever would keep her occupied at the time was fine by me. The room is very small so I always had my eye on her. I watched my friends little girl running around and jumping on my bed holding hands with something that wasn't there. I thought I would ask my friend if Lia had an imaginary friend I should know of when she got back from her night out.

Lia jumped off the bed and ran up to me and told me Stacey said that this used to be her room when she was here. "What your friends room?" I asked her in disbelief... This little girl was 3 so how would she come up with something random like that. I said, "no Lia this is my room not Staceys." "NO!" She said loud it was Staceys room but its your room now. "OK if you say so" I said.

At about 9:30 Lia's mum still wasn't here so I put her on my bed to go to sleep. I remember starting my assignment that night (which I passed by the way) At around 11:00 My friend turned up to pick Lia up, I asked her about Stacey and she said Lia has never mentioned anyone by the name of Stacey before but it might be a new phase she is going through. When they left I kept thinking of Stacey for some reason and kept trying to get it out of my head but couldn't (it still scares me when I say what happens next and I'm stil in the same room today).

The next day I got up and went to the shower in my room and the bathroom was fogged up like someone has a shower in there. I thought someone might of broken into my room and had a shower... But why and how, every room has a lock and a key and why would someone come in my room just to have a shower when everyone had a shower in their room, I was too scared to go in there but I stood at the bathroom door. On the mirror in the bathroom, which was steamy, were the words, "Stacey was here xoxo."

I'm still in the room today but will be leaving in July... If anyone knows what I can do to help me in this situation please let me know... I'm scared. I have been to scared to mention it to anyone at the uni and nothing else major has happened since.


I am in my second year of university and am staying on campus again. After the last weird experience I had in 2012 I questioned staying on campus again but decided it would be best for me as I live far away from the university I attend. I have been here since February and its been good up to only a few days ago. I am not in the same room I had last time which is a plus but only a few doors up from where I was. Recently it has been hard for me to sleep mostly because of stress of study I think. Some of my room mates have been coming up to me and telling me they have had weird things happen to them during the night, one of the guys said his shower turned on and off and so did his lamp at exactly the same time. Another room mate told me his pens and work books have been going missing, I just tell them its nothing and not to worry I haven't told them about my experiences but have been thinking about telling them.

After a few other small things happened to a few more room mates they all decided to do a Seance. I sat a bit away from them and watched because I am very on edge about that sort of stuff. They made a bad attempt of a Ouija board and sat around and started to use it. As soon as they put it on the table (no joke) it flew to the ground. Everyone including the guys screamed. After that everyone agreed it was a bad idea and put it away. Everyone sat up in the lounge room after that, no one felt like sleeping. When we started talking about what could have possibly happened the TV came on and the volume went all the way up. We were all too scared to move to turn it off. We are all still very frightened about what I am about to say next...

One of the guys was about to get up and turn the TV off because it was very loud and students in other units would start complaining, but before he could he fell back on the lounge holding his stomach. He was crying and he lifted his shirt up to see what was wrong with his stomach. On his stomach were 4 bright red scratches or what even looked like burns. Everyone was panicking. I told the guy I was going to the freezer to get ice because he said it felt like it was burning but he didn't want anyone to move off the lounge. We all slept on the lounge that night.

The next morning we woke up to find out that the scratches were gone from his stomach. I think it's Stacey again but it could be something even scarier. Please help!

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