Sharing A Room With A Ghost?

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Thank you all so much for 2 million reads every time I see it, it puts a smile to my face. Also thank you for 900 followers!! (I'm losing lots of followers :o IM SORRY)

I am so sorry that I haven't updated. But now I'm on holiday (have been for a week) AND IM LOVING IT!

I will try to update more, I've said that a couple of times but I will try to actually do it.

Love you all to the moon and back x1827282

If you read all of this comment 'Melons'.

IMPORTANT PLEASE READ. This isn't by a person on Wattpad but when I get back I'll add someone's story. Just wanted to get an update in quickly. IMPORTANT PLEASE READ.


This happened during my second year in college. This may take a while so please bear with me. Four of us had to share a room and the room was quite spacious. For doing our laundry we used to buy common detergents and fabric softeners. About halfway through the term, one of my roomies proceeded to wash her clothes when she noticed that the fabric softener was empty, she asked me whether one of us had used it all up. I said it was impossible since we had cleaned the room the previous day and I had specifically noticed that the soap and softener bottles were more than half full. I thought I must have made a mistake and the incident was forgotten.

To proceed further with the story you need to know the layout of the room. There are 2 bunk beds along 2 walls and a table next to the bed along the longer wall. The other end of the room had a similar table and our bureaus. There is also a clothesline tied across the middle of the room.

We were sitting on the floor studying in the other side of the room from the beds when a quite thick and heavy mathematics book fell open face-down on the floor from the table near the bed. None of us had moved and there was no way we could have disturbed that table. Moreover the book was on the middle of the table, ruling out the possibility of slipping and falling down.

The following week had a repetition of the fabric softener incident. Then 1 day we were getting ready to go out when a peg fell from the clothesline. My friend put it back and no sooner had she turned than a different peg fell off. I picked it up and another 1 fell off. We were slightly unnerved.

Though four of us were from he same class we had different lab schedules. So 2 of us made it back to the room before the others and we pulled our mattresses to the floor and lying on our stomachs facing each other and talking. Three drops of water fell on the tile before us right in front of our faces. It was peak summer and there was no way it could have been seepage from the walls. Just to be sure we even pulled up a chair and examined the walls and ceiling thoroughly. They were all dry. We sort of panicked and left the room.

And for those of you who are wondering, yes, our fabric softener kept disappearing and we are the kind of people who lock our rooms anytime we go out and only we have the keys. The final incident took place at night when we pulled down all the mattresses to the floor it being hot. The hallway light was on and we spoke about the incidents and we got ready for bed. When my friend switched off the room light and came to bed we noticed she hadn't latched the door. It swung open a little allowing in an arc of corridor light and swung back. She got up grudgingly and went to lock it and when she reached up for the latch and found it already bolted. She gave a yelp and jumped into bed and we spent a sleepless night too scared to move.

Morning we mentioned these incidents to few more friends and 1 of them gave a funny comment saying maybe we were feeding the ghost with the fabric softener and we should stop using it. To humor her we stopped buying softener. We also started acknowledging a tangible presence in the room though it may have been our overworked brains imagining things. We even spoke to the air hoping we were addressing a spirit. At the same time one of my roomies contracted a fever. She had to go back home as she didn't show any sign of getting better. Once at home she casually mentioned the incidents to her parents and they panicked being slightly superstitious. They took her to a mosque and offered prayers and got a talisman and she got better and came back.

We didn't have anymore incidents after that. It may have been the talisman or the fact we stopped buying the softener. We weren't particularly scared but it left us with a doubtful mind about what we had experienced.

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