hannapie5's story

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Dedicated to hannapie5 cause this is her scary story <3

C o m m e n t & V o t e


Ever scince I was a little girl I've always have these "paranormal" experiences- and no I don't fully believe in the paranormal activity and what-nots beacuse of my religion (Christian). Any whoo, back to the little childhood memories of fright. I would always hear a lady call my name from down stairs, I always thought it was my mom calling. When I open the door and called back asking, "What mom?" My mother said the same thing every time, "I didn't call you." So I would return to doing what ever I was doing at the time.

Then a few years later my dog died, we didnt know how or why- we just assumed that it was natural causes. But it was strange because when we found her the morning after she died there was blood coming out of her mouth, I didn't care about it at the time but then I told a friend of mine about it. He said, "some one strangled her..." I couldn't believe him then-it couldn't be true (we lock EVERY door and check it too...) But it doesn't matter what does matter is that since then I've had this feeling of some one watching me non-stop- even when no one else is home...

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