Maddakotah12's Story

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This is dedicated to Maddakotah12 because this is her story and she messaged it to me so thank you for the story.

If anyone wants their story posted on here then message it to me :) xxx

C o o m m e n t & V o t e F O R Maddakotah12


One time, my little sister would not go to bed, so me and brother said that there was a ghost that ate all little girls that didn't go to sleep. At the time, we had just move in to our new farmhouse about 3 months before this started, so things were still very new to us. The house was built in 1954, and there was a house and old barn on the farm before the current one was built. Anyways, my sister believed us, so she laid down to go to bed. About 3 minutes after that, she began to scream the words, "Stop it guys!" I suppose she thought that we were messing with her, but when I opened the door, and asked her what was wrong, she said my little brother threw her picture off the wall. At this time my brother walked in and said he wasn't even in there! I rehung the picture, put my sister back to bed and left the room crying. My parents say it was something else, but I Believe it was a ghost.

Another time, I was checking my chickens, and the coop is about between where the old house and old barn were. As a bent over to check the food, I saw something run past. It was about the same height as my brother, so I stepped out of the coop to leave the animals by the coop alone. I looked around, and did not see him anywhere. I finally saw him by the house playing with the dog, so I finished the chickens and ran back to the house, about 300 ft so it was in no way my brother. I told him and asked him if he was down there. He said no. I still see these 'shadow friends' as I call them cause they haven't harmed anyone. Most times it's an animal shadow friend I see, but once in a while I'll see the boy, or a tall figure of a man. If it helps, this summer I found an old cross in the trees that is maybe a dog grave or a memorial for a lost one.


Hoped you liked it I know I did and DONT forget to message me, even if you just want to talk :)

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