ShaynonisShortxo story

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Dedicated to ShaynonisShortxo I got chills reading this story :) xox

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Sometime last year my brother decided that it would be a good idea to go to the park and forced me and Tamika (his girlfriend) to go with. At first I was reluctant but decided that after they walked out the front door that I should follow because my brother was acting strange and I kept getting these weird chills.

When we got to the park my brother made us walk to the bushes behind it. We stood and watched my brother as he started drawing some shapes in the dirt. All of a sudden it got really cold and something started grabbing my arm. I looked over to Tamika and my brother and saw that they were sitting down over near the circle whilst i still stood near the edge of the bushes. I followed my brother's and Tamika's lead and sat down. As I did so something kept nagging me and I found myself constantly looking around.

My brother started talking again and I couldn't understand a word he was saying. Up until then I had thought my brother was playing a trick or a joke on me but then when I looked towards the middle of the circle shape thingy and saw a shadow emerging I started freaking out.

I stood up and ran away from the circle trying to get back home. But when I went to get back to the clearing of the park i felt a sharp pain as something scratched my back and grabbed my arm to stop me from going any further. I stood frozen in fear as the shadow turned into the shape of a man, but it couldn't be a man because it was see-through. The freakiest part was when the shadow spoke. It spoke and said GET OUT. That was all it took for Tamika and I to both snap back to reality and start running and not too soon after my brother started running after us asking what the hell we were doing at a park and what the hell was wrong. I wasn't able to sleep properly for weeks on end after that and I swear I can still see the shadowy form when I walk past that park.

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