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"Mama tell daddy to stop tickling me!" Audrey yelled from her room. I heard Bryson giggling, "Never will I stop. I love my girls too much" he smirked as I walked in the girls room. "Daddy is just like us mommy" Ava said as she drew. "You know, Ava remind me a lot of you" he told me. (Pic: Jessica in the middle, Ava on left and Audrey in right) "Why?" I laughed sitting on the floor. "She's just so shy and quiet" he said sitting in front of me. "Like the first day we met" he smiled kissing my forehead. "Who all is coming over today?" He asked me. "Uhm, my parents, my brothers and sisters, Allie, and my niece and nephew" I said. "So that means I get a lecture on why it was i got you pregnant?" He sighed. "Well let's hope not. I'm hoping my mom is finally over it, you know? She loves the girls so the most she could do for me is love their father" I smiled. He smiled back. "Mommy! The doorbell" Ava yelled. "She doesn't like doorbells" I told him. "Why?" He laughed. "Daddy don't laugh at me!" Ava pouted. "I'm not, I'm not!" He giggled. I ran downstairs and opened the door, seeing Allie. "Girls, Auntie Allie is here" I yelled upstairs. I heard little footsteps followed by a loud thump and a loud cry. "Drey are you alright?" Bryson asked her, picking her up. She sniffled in his arms, hugging him tightly. "Hey, no crying and crabby kids now. We got people coming over baby" I said kissing her forehead. She sniffled again and demanded to be set on the ground again. "Hey there princess" Allie smiled. Audrey hugged her and smiled back. "Hey there, buddy" Allie said, patting Bryson's shoulder. "Hey" he chuckled. "Hows tour?" She asked him. "Tiring. Being home with my girls is the most sleep I've gotten in forever" he said. The doorbell rang again, making Ava hide in Bryson's legs. "Come here goof" he laughed, lifting her up. "Hi mom, hi dad" I said hugging them. "Hey honey, is that him" mom whispered. "Mom, no need for whispering, don't make this awkward for us" i pleaded.  She nodded. "Where's everyone else?" I asked. "Jake and Nathan are coming in a little bit. Jasmine, Adam and their kids are in the way. Ashley will be running late." She said. "Oh. Come in" I said. "Bryson, this is my mom and dad. Mom, dad, this is Bryson" I said playing with my hands. "The father of those two, correct?" Dad asked. I sighed, "Dad. I've told you thousands of times" I said. "I'm just checking, sweetheart." Bryson nodded, "Yes, I am the father of these two" he smiled at Audrey and Ava. "Just know that when we found out, we weren't so happy but now that they're older and you two are older we've learned to accept it and we don't have anything against it" dad told him. "You don't know how much that makes me feel better"Bryson laughed.

Everyone was here and the amount of screaming children was insane. I threw my head back against the couch as I sat next to Bryson, who was talking with Sam. "You good?" He asked, taking his attention off of Adam. I nodded, "Between the girls screaming with their cousins, my head hurts" I said. "If Bre and Jonah are being too loud just tell me."Adam said. "No no, it's okay. I like seeing the girls have fun" I smiled. He nodded, "So, how's my favorite sister in law been?" I smiled, "Well other then trying to fight the girls on a daily basis while Bryson is out killing it on stage, I've survived so far" I laughed. After talking for a while I was cut off by one of the girls screaming in pain. I jumped off of Bryson's lap and ran to their room where they had been playing. "M-mom-my it hurts!" Ava cried. "Babygirl why is it you keep getting hurt today?" I said picking her up. She sobbed onto my shoulder, "is she okay?" Bryson said from behind me. I shrugged, "She won't let me touch it!" He sighed, "Baby, if you want it to stop hurtin you gotta let me or mommy see it" he told her. "I know it hurts. Show me where" he said. She pointed to her leg. "Here?" He said rubbing above her knee. She pulled away fast once he touched it. I sat her in her bed and she layed down breathing deeply to slow her cries. "I'll get her some ice for now. Kids come downstairs with me and give Ava some space, okay?" He said. They all nodded and followed him out. "Baby tell me what happened. Breathe a little" I said. "A-Audrey p-put her blanket down and I slipped o-on it and under it was a toy. Mama I-it hurts!" She sobbed. "Breathe baby breathe it's gonna be okay. Does daddy need to tickle you?" I smiled. She smiled softly, "No." She giggled, wiping her nose. Bryson came walking in, "Hey why is my little princess giggling?" He smiled. She smiled and sat up. "Here put this on your leg until you calm down more" he said. She took the bag of ice into her small hands and set it on her leg.

"Is she all better now?" My mom asked. "She'll live. Sorry it took so long. We can eat now" I said. Bryson had his hand on my lower back as we all said Grace before getting our food. "You help Drey and I can help Ava" I told Bryson. He nodded "Drey come by daddy so he can get your food for you" I said. She ran through everyone's legs to get to him. "Baby, that wasn't very polite of you. Say you're sorry to everyone" I said. "I sorry" she sighed. "She doesn't need to say sorry. She's three, Jessica" my mom said. "Yes mom I know, but I've been raising her to have polite manners. I don't want her to grow up and be a complete bitch" I said. "Jessica, do not speak to me that way!" I sighed in response. "Look mom, I'm sorry but it's true. I want her to have manners with everything she does. Some people aren't lucky enough to have that" I said. Bryson smiled, "Our kids are perfect" he mumbled, kissing my cheek. We all sat down, Ava on my left, Bryson on my right with Audrey in between us. "Girls please no messes okay?" I said. They nodded, biting a piece of turkey. "Mama I don't like that" Audrey said, pointing to her cranberries. "Hmm, just like her father" I giggled poking Bryson's cheek. He moved his face away, "Stop!" He laughed. Ava was so quiet and peaceful as she ate, as was Audrey. "I'm done mommy" Ava said. "Um, three more big bites out of whatever you want and then you can be done" I said. She did as told and sat back in her chair. "Come here angel" Bryson said patting his leg. She asked for to pull her chair out, smiling as she ran into his lap. He kissed her forehead and smiled, "God I missed this so much. Three months is not a long enough break" he said. "So you're going back?" Mom said. I looked at her. "She's gonna be raising them alone again?" She said. "Mom, stop" i said. "Do you understand how hard it is on her to raise three year olds alone?" She continued. He looked at me, "Mom stop!" I yelled. "Seriously mom," Jake piped in. "She's done it this far and Bryson is doing what he loves and still able to support their family. Let them live their life" Jake said. I smiled at him. I excused myself and went up to our room. "Babe?" He said coming in. "I don't understand her. I never will. I'm sorry you had to go through this" I said. He hugged me tightly, "It's okay, I know it's hard on you and I can't wait until we can do this together forever. But just know that it is you I want, forever. Got it?" I nodded. "Mommy! Daddy!" The girls yelled. I went to them with Bryson behind me. "Can we have a cookie?" Audrey asked. "Please" she smiled. "I suppose so" I smiled at her.

Everyone finally left out house and Ava fell asleep on Bryson's lap. "B, bring her to her bed" I said. "Drey, let's go get ready for bed" I said. She held her arms up for me to carry her. "Goodnight baby" he said, kissing Ava's head and covering her up. "You too angel. Sleep well" he said to Audrey. We went into our room and I fell on the bed. "Tired?" He laughed. "Very. I'm not use to not having the girls sleep in my bed" I laughed. "Now I have you" I smiled, kissing his cheek. "Come hold me" I said. "I haven't been held by you in like forever" i said curling up in the blankets. He pulled off his t-shirt and pulled on some sweatpants, laying next to me. "I missed this" I said. "Me too. It's gonna be hard to leave y'all." He pouted. "Okay let's not talk about that right now. Let's just go to sleep" I said, falling into a deep sleep.

Father of Two (Robert Bryson Hall aka Logic)Where stories live. Discover now