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"Daddy? Do you have to go?" Audrey pouted in the backseat. "Yeah, why are you leaving us?" Ava frowned. Bryson looked at me as I drove to the airport. "I have work girls. But don't worry, I'll be back before you know it" he smiled. I sighed, parking in the lot. "I'll get them, you get your stuff" I told him. He nodded. "Ava, grab my pants and walk with me to your sister" I said to my little blue eyed dream. She smiled and grabbed onto my back pocket. "Drey hop on out babe" I smiled. "Now both of you, give me your hands please" they placed their hands in mine and we walked into the airport. "Now there's a lot of people here girls, no running off or screwing around. If you can behave, we can get ice cream tonight" I smiled. We all sat and waited for his flight to get called.

"Babe I don't want to let go" I frowned. "Me either. I'll be back in what? Two months?" He said. "You say it like that's not a big deal. Two months could either mean two months or it can lead to two years" I sighed. "Don't think like that" he said looking at me. "Now I need to go baby. Take care of yourself and my angels" he smiled, pulling me close to him so he could kiss me. "Girls give daddy hugs and kisses please" I said to them as they both stood up with sad faces.  "Smile for daddy. I don't want to leave with seeing sad faces" he sighed. They forced a weak smile on their faces and hugged him tightly. "See you soon princesses" he said grabbing his bags and walking to his terminal. "Alright girls, let's go" I said wanton to leave before I started to cry and he sees that. "But mommy!" Ava started crying. "Babygirl be strong for mommy" I said to her as people started watching us. "We want daddy home!" Audrey started. "Ma'am are you having troubles?" A guy asked me. "I'm fine" I said walking with the girls. "It's looks to me as if your girls here are giving you a hard time." He said. "Look, I'm not trying to be rude, but we have places to be. They'll be fine, I'll be fine. Thanks" I said walking faster. The man wouldn't stop. "SECURITY!" I yelled. They came running towards me, scaring the girls. "Is there a problem?" One asked. I nodded. "This man keeps following me and my kids" I said looking at the man. "Sir, come with us. Ma'am you're good to leave now. Thank you" he said to me. I thanked him and got the girls in the car. They wouldn't stop crying. I got into the drivers seat, starting the car up. I layed my head back and sighed. "Girls, stop crying, calm down. It's okay, daddy just has to work okay? Now I can't take two crying girls into the ice cream store can i?" I said to them. They shook their heads. "Wipe your eyes and noses. I'll get you guys frozen yogurt, okay? We'll be okay" they nodded and grabbed their blankets that we keep in the car and covered up in them.

"What flavor, Drey?" I asked her as she handed me her cup

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"What flavor, Drey?" I asked her as she handed me her cup. "Red!" She smiled. "Cherry or watermelon?" I said. "Both?" She smiled. "Fine you brat" I laughed. "Can I put candies on it?" She said smiling at me. "Not a lot" I said. "Little miss Ava, what kind?" I smiled pushing her hair off her forehead. "Blue and red mama" she said. "Candies?" I asked. "GUMMIES!" She smiled. "You two are wild I swear" I laughed. "They are so cute. They yours?" The girl at the register said. "Thanks and yeah, they are mine" I laughed. "Your total is $6.70." She smiled. I gave her the 10 I had and waited for my change. Thanking her, I grabbed their frozen yogurt and walked out to the car. I set the cups on the center council until I got them buckled in. I handed each of them their cup, "No spilling or messes, got it?" I said. They nodded smiling. "thank you mommy" they both said. I nodded, "You're welcome." I smiled.

Once we got home, I turned on the tv for the girls and called Allie.
(A-Allie, J-Jessica)

A: hey mama! Whatsup?
J: just got home with the girls from dropping Bryson off at the airport.
A: no wonder you sound so sad. Should I come over?
J: if you want. We're just watching tv
A: I'll be there soon babe. Love ya!

"Girls auntie Allie is coming over" I smiled. They smiled back and went back to their cartoons. "Are you guys hungry?" I asked. "I am!" Ava said standing up. "I'll make one of your little pizzas then. Audrey, do you want anything?" I asked. She shook her, "Juice mama" she said smiling. "IM HERE!" Allie yelled walking in. "In the kitchen with Ava" I said back. She came running in, "Hey mama, hey baby" she smiled.

(pic is Allie) "Hi auntie Allie" Ava said

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(pic is Allie) "Hi auntie Allie" Ava said. "Hello angel. Where is miss Audrey?" She laughed. "Right here!" Audrey smiled running into her legs. "Mama I have my juice now?" Drey begged. "I'm busy at the moment but if you ask Auntie Allie nicely maybe she can get you some"

"So Allie, I been thinking" I said as we sat at the kitchen table drinking our wine coolers. "About?" She said confused. "Two things actually. One, me and Bryson are talking about possibly having another kid. Two, I want to get the girls a puppy" I smiled. "OH MY GOD! Another kid?! That's amazing mama! And j totally think a puppy is a good idea" she said. "Yeah, should I? Like tomorrow or something?" I asked. "Totally. I can bring them to my place for the day so you can get the puppy or we all can go together" she said. "I think we should go together so they can look at them and decide what one they like the most." I smiled. She nodded. I felt my phone vibrate on my lap. Looking down, it was Bryson. "Hello?" I smiled, putting him on speaker and looking up at Allie. "Hey baby! I just landed and want you to know" he said. "Am I on speaker? I can hear the girls giggling" he laughed. "Yep, you are. And they're watching tv while Allie and I drink wine coolers" I smiled. "Hi Bryson" Allie said. "Hey! Take care of them for me, don't let them get too crazy" he chuckled. "Well if you want crazy, I'm getting the girls a puppy" I said. "What! Without me?! Baby.." He sighed. "We can get another when you come home. Or like 10" I laughed. "Deal. Where they at? Close where I can say hi quick?" He asked. "Drey, Ava! Come here please" they came crawling in, "Say hi to daddy" I smiled holding out my phone. "HI DADDY!!" They both screamed. "Hello my angels." He said. "We miss you" Ava said pouting. "I'll be home soon, I promise" he told them. "Okay, I love you!" They said. "I love you guys too. I'll talk to you all soon bye Babygirl, love you bye Allie!" He said. It was 9:30 now and the girls were getting crabby. "Are you spending the night?" I asked Allie. She nodded, "If that's alright? I could borrow clothes" she smiled. "Of course. You know where everything is, I need to get them in bed" I said.

"Girls, bed time. Let's go" I said. They yawned and followed me upstairs to their bedroom. "Goodnight Ava," I said kissing her cheek, covering her up. "Goodnight Audrey," I said, kissing her cheek and covering her up also. "Night mommy" they said, rolling over in their beds. "Goodnight angels. Sleep well" I smiled, shutting off the light. "I can use these?" Allie said coming out of the bathroom in my PINK sweats and a loose tshirt. "Yeah, not a problem. Now you can take my bed and I'll take the fuzzy chair" I said. "Jess, we've shared a bed since we were like eight." She laughed "I'm perfectly fine with that" she told me. "You're right." I giggled. "Now cmon, I'm tired" she laughed at me. "Okay. Goodnight Al" I said, curling into my blankets. "Night Jess." She said. "Oh, by the way, I'm assuming Bryson sleeps on this side considering this side smells like him" she laughed. "Yeah, he does" I laughed with her. "Okay. Goodnight for real this time" she said yawning.

Father of Two (Robert Bryson Hall aka Logic)Where stories live. Discover now