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i rubbed my temples to numb the pain. i closed my eyes and took a deep breath. okay taehyung concentrate. you got this. the answer is somewhere here all you gotta do is look for it. simple right?

i signed heavily. a pop quiz. i sometimes wonder if teachers liked seeing us suffer, as if it gave them pleasure to see their students in so much pain. these are the times i wish i had spent more time paying attention to the teacher rather than staring at her.

i looked up from my blank paper and stared at the back of her head, the head i grew so accustomed to look at. if you were to give me a pencil and a page i swear i could sketch the back of her head just by memory.

hani started to silently bang her head repeatedly on her table. i looked at her confused. is she okay? should i be worried? maybe i should call-- my thoughts were interrupted abruptly when she swiftly turned around.

our eyes only meet for a brief moment but holy crap i was lost in them. i could see the halo over her head and time stopped. maths exam forgotten about. everyone disappeared. all i could see was her. what was happening to me?

i could see her red luscious lips open and close but it never occurred to me that she was trying to say something. i was too captivated by her beauty to notice.

a sudden nudge from sephy made me snap out of my daze. i turned to face her, annoyance clear on my face. "she asked for a pen" sephy whispered.

oh. oH. right a pen. of course. why else would she talk to me? i shook my head to shake away my thoughts and extended my hand, handing her the only pen i had.

she smiled brightly. "thank you so much!" she exclaimed bowing several times to express her gratitude. i laughed. she really was so very cute.


oh shoot. now we're doomed. we so totally are doomed.


progress has been made! also my chapters are slowly becoming longer & they made contact!!


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