chapter 5 -- first day trouble

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hello there , thanks for reading this and a reminder that I own all characters except James Bond who was created by Ian Fleming, enjoy and please vote and comment if you liked it , Ive tried to improve my writing thanks ,


Chapter 5--first day trouble

My first class of the day was maths with Mr barren.
There was a hush when I entered the room as every boy secretly judged me, but you wouldn't expect anything else from being the new boy.

About five minutes in a boy I diddent know tapped my shoulder and i turned around
"so what's up with you then? "he asked
"pardon? "i replied confused
"how did you get in Eton.... Are you smart or rich? "he asked again smirking
I squirmed in my seat
" my parents paid for full boarding if that's what you mean "turning slightly red I turned around and continued with my work.
I heard the boy Snigger behind me and whisper a couple of words to someone else.

I just ignored them and carried on working till the bell went and as I walked out of class I stole a glance at who he was whispering to, it was Arthur Blofield.


After that I had Latin and English,but they weren't all that bad as some of the boys from the dorm were in there with me, then before lunch i had sports my favourite, along with Eddie and luke I loved to run, it set me free, gave me the exhilaration that I couldn't get from school.

As we trunched up  to the big field in our white shirts, shorts and running shoes, I saw the massive circle of churned mud where hundreds of boys had run, I realised that our white kit would soon be brown.

We surrounded around a short man with sunburnt skin and an angry looking wig on his bald spot, it was obvious because it was also three shades lighter than his real hair.
He addressed himself to me as Mr Michaels and then barked out several orders to -

We diddent argue.
Soon we were running through patchy grass and deep thick mud, the cold wind biting our cheeks and burning our lungs.

I was beside Eddy and we ran in unison, he was telling me about the big annual cross country and how blower ( Arthur Blofields nickname between the boys) allways won, there was a story going around that he was a cheat, but noone ever did anything about it, obviously fearing his billionaire father that could kick them out of school at the click of his fingers.

"OKAY RAIN IT IN COME ON "the loud Mr Michaels shouted

Once we had all surrounded Mr Michaels he told us that we were going to do a 400 metre sprint with the whole class and everyone groaned sneaking a look at blower who was smirking, obviously being the one who suggested the race, well the 400 was my speciality so... Let the best man win I thought.

Blower flexed his muscles and took a frightening stance at the starting line, everyone else including me luke and eddy lined up too, readying ourselves for the starter pistol.

"THREE... TWO.... ONE... "the starter pistol erupted with a BANG! And we ran.

Blower had sprinted off way too early, I chuckled inwardly, had he ever heard of conserving energy.

I kept my breaths steady and slowly put on bursts of speed, not noticing that I had left the other boys behind until their pants of breath disappeared, I was alone with only blower a couple metres ahead of me, Turing the first corner i reared next to him we were running almost level now.

The sound of my approaching steps must of startled him, because he jerked his head behind him to look at me.
We locked eyes for a moment and I could see the anger and suprise in his face.

I looked away and sped forward slightly overtaking him. Suddenly he lurched towards me
in an attempt to push me out of the way.

I wasn't Having that and dodged past him putting on another burst of speed.

Out of the corner of my eye i saw him loose balance and drop out of sight, accompanied with a massive squelchy splash.

I chuckled and ran the end stretch finishing line.

Faint cheers grew louder around me and i turned around and put my hands on my nees  the entire pe class jogging towards me with the exception of blowers mates who were helping up a extremely embarrassed and muddy Aurthur Blofield.

Eddy and luke reached me first and where cheering my name
"bond bond bond!!! " they chanted, red faced and happy

The rest of the class surrounded us, a few patting my back and offering congratulations.

"i don't understand "i said still breathing heavily "it was just a race? " i said confused

"my friend that was not just a Race that was legendary "luke replied grinning
"yeah"Eddie added "no one I repeat no one has ever beat blower in a race... You've set a new record bond!! "

Suddenly the buzz of the crowd quietened and parted like the red Sea to reveal blower and his mates walking towards me.

I had to fake a cough to mask my laugh,
Aurthurs face, along with one side of his body was splattered with mud, matched with his angry beetroot coloured face, he was quite a picture.

his nostrils were flared as he took a step closer, and the crowd hushed in anticipation.

"what's your name boy?" he said angrily

" James Bond " I said not breaking eye contact ,not backing down.

" what do you think your playing at Bond ? that race was cheep ,everyone knows your on drugs or something" he sneared

"what?!?!"i scoffed " I didn't cheat , I won fair and square and you know it " I answered

"someones a sore loser" someone scoffed beside me and I turned my head to see luke standing in a defiant stance beside me. , he gave me a grin.

Arthur seemed to get angrier than he was before , if that was even possible.

"i don't like you bond , just remember that, and if we cross paths again you better watch out"he sneared, pointing an accusating finger a little too close to my face.

I stepped closer starting to loose my temper when..

now, i will never know why this man always has to shout.

Mr Michaels barged between us and pushed us away from eachother.


I smirked and turned away from blower, who looked like he was about to burst, and walked away to the changing rooms with a pair of extremely exited friends.

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