chapter 3- Eton

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The taxi went over a bump and i Was jogged out of my sleep.
I stretched pushed away my hair from my face
, rubbed my eyes and looked out of the window
we were now rolling through plump green English countryside occasionally passing through the hard stone and cobbled Villages.
And of course it was raining, fat drops sliding down the glass.
It had been two years since my parents died and I had been living with my aunt charmaian and uncle max.
They had home schooled me for as long as they could but when max developed cancer it was just too much and they thought it was best if I would be sent to a boys boarding school and not just any old boarding school. I was on my way to Eton the best England had to offer. Many famous poets, writers and even royalty had studied here

God knows how I got in

"we have arrived "

I looked up to the cab driver smiling at me
"you might want to get an umbrella out "

I smiled thanked him and got out the cab collecting my bags and payed the man.
As he drove away umbrella in one hand I turned to get my first good look.
The mass of buildings before me looked ancient. Hundreds of spires and chimneys littered the roofs and frost covered skeleton like trees littered the acres making it altogether look quite daunting.
A bang of a door slamming shut caught my attention and i saw a tall but skinny boy running up to me his hands in his pockes and his Colar of his blazer was turned up against the wind.
The boy stopped infront of me and caught his breath.
He had an unruly mass of blonde hair and brown eyes.
He straitened up and stuck out his hand

"the names Edward Kingston, but I'm known as eddy and you must be bond?"he said

I politely shook his hand
"im james "i said
"well let's get you inside "he said smiling and he grabbed one of my cases as I grabbed the other and i followed him to the house.
"just through here "he said and we stepped through a massive oak door.
He set my cases down and we brushed the rain off our coats.
"well Charles will be here soon to show you round "
I nodded and looked around bubbling with questions.
"so where will I be sleeping "i asked
"no idea, you could be in any dorm, but let's hope you'll be in a good one..... Oh here he comes "
A tall smartly dressed older boy with floppy brown hair and an enormous smile came down the corridor slipping on his blazer as he approached.
He beamed at Eddy
"morning eddy "he said
"morning Charles "eddy replied
He then turned to me and we shook hands
"my name is Charles "
"hello my names james "

"right then I'll be off,hope to see you soon james " eddy said as he nodded us goodbye and jogged up the stairs.
"you too "i called after him

"so james have you travelled far? " he asked
" from Scotland "i said
"wow you must be bursting for some grub!"
I smiled
"oh I almost forgot, your room... "he said and took a peice of paper out of his pocket.
He chuckled at the paper "what is it ?"i asked
"your with my brother ,he's a bit of a joker I'm afraid but you'll get used to him " he said smiling
"let's go to your dorm then " he said while grabbing one of my bags and ushering me up the stairs.
We Walked through an old corridor and passed several doors until we found the right one and Charles nocked briefly and opened the door.
There was a scramble as five boys tried to quickly hide the game of cards they had been playing, but as they saw Charles in the doorway they instantly relaxed
"oh you gave us a fright, we thought you were head! " a tall boy with spiky blonde hair chuckled
"well we have a new arrival, everyone this is james bond " Charles said and there was a mixture of hellos and nods around the room
"come on everybody introduce yourselves" said Charles and they straightened up and introduced themselves
"hello my names luke but most people call me beckett" the tall boy with spiky blonde hair said "hello again james "said eddy and i smiled knowing I at least had one friend in here
"the names charlie "said another boy with dark brown hair matched with thick eyebrows and a cheeky smile "im is brother "charlie said pointing at Charles
I looked between them and noticed the striking resemblance.
"hell..oo my n..ame "a short red head with glasses tried to stutter out and eddy kindly put a hand on his shoulder "just go slowly "he said
"fffrankie but... You cann call me... Benjie " he said with a sigh
"sorry "Benjie said "new pe..people "
"no worries "i said with a kind smile. "and that over there is Walter Smith but we call him smithy " said eddy pointing at a lanky lad with round glasses and long black hair sitting in an armchair engrossed in a thick book
he mumbled out a hello and flipped to the next page
"don't worry he is only like that when he is studying "said luke
"your bed is over here "said Charles "I'll let you get settled in "he said and with a wave he was of
I set my suitcase on my bed and took in the rooms surroundings
There was three bunkbeds along one wall then in the corner was a small stove with assorted frying pans hanging on the wall then there was a few chairs around a small table.
"so james did your parents come with you? " said a voice behind me
,I stiffened and clenched the shirt I was folding
I turned to see Charlie
"um no they couldn't be here "i said all to quickly

I sensed they were going to ask more so I changed the conversation
"how's the food here then? "i asked
"oh simply terrible "charlie said, mimicking gaging noises and eddy asked james if he.wanted an egg "oh yes please "said james realising he was quite hungry and eddy started cooking, the familiar smell of eggs and bacon filling the room.

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