1~ Ball

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Maya p.o.v

"Maya! Get up!" I groan as I cover my ears with my pillow. Jennifer, my best friend since third grade, rips the pillow from my clenched hands and throws I t across the room. "Come on, today's the ball and we have to start getting ready."

Ugh! I forgot today was the Annual Vampire Ball. Every high classed vampire is supposed to be there. Yuck. I hate those blood suckers. Pale, creepy, ugly creatures. My grandmother is making me go but I'm not a vampire. Thankfully.

Besides their disgusting ways, many humans find them incredibly attractive. In the middle ages once they were reborn into a creature of the night their bones would reform to a bat like structure. That made people believe they could transform into bats and fly, but that's not true. Over the decades the vampires evolved to more deadly creatures. They no longer looked like bats but made themselves look more human even though they were far from it. To many humans eyes, they're the most beautiful people on the planet but to the ones who know they're horrible history, like me, I don't find anything about them beautiful.

I know so much of the Vampire history because I'm a hunter, so is Jennifer. I was put into an all Huntress school for Vampire Hunting when I was eight and worked hard to graduate, which was two years ago. I'm nineteen now.

"I don't wanna be around those bloodsuckers!" I yell.

"You have no choice. Now get up before I get the cold water." That makes me jerk up. I know she isn't kidding, she's done it before. "Get in the shower."

I don't see her leave but I hear the door close so she must've. I roll my eyes at how Jen bossy she gets when she's determined. And she's always determined for something. She's just very confident and know what she want.

With a large dramatic sigh I push myself off the very comfortable bed.


Four hours later...

"How much longer?" I groan. I've been sitting in a chair for the past two hours with Jennifer doing my makeup. I have to say I am excited to see what my make up looks like but I'm more anxious to get into the dress. I love getting dressed up, I'm a classy glam girl what can I say? Sitting in a very uncomfortable chair for two hours isn't the highlight of letting someone do your makeup. My butt is very sore and my legs are getting numb.

"Just one more touch up and..." She brushes out my eyebrows again for the millionth time before standing up fully with a wide smile on her face. "Done!"

"Finally." I mutter under my breath. Thankfully she isn't a vampire or else she would of heard that. She hands me a black bag with a long zipper down the front. The bag doesn't cover the entire dress, it leaves red fabric sway against the floor. "Take this and get dressed in the bathroom. If you ruin my masterpiece I will kill you."

In situations like these, keeping my mouth shut is the best option.

Once I'm in the bathroom with my dress I quickly take it out of the bag, too excited to care about being careful. I gasp at how beautiful the dress is. It's long, backless, and red. My dream dress. The lace is just perfect with the flower sequence designs. I step into the dress and love the way it fits around my body like a glove.

Jen gasps as I walk out of the bathroom and grabs my arm. "Omg! Let me see!" I turn to face her. She sizes me up and nods with approval. "The makeup matches that dress perfectly."

"Really?" I ask. "Yeah, go look in the mirror." She answers. I follow her command and look into the full length mirror. I look great! My brown shoulder length hair is perfectly straight, the smoky eye is perfect, and the blood red lip stick makes my lips luscious and great. "You did an awesome job, Jen."

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