6 ~ Tower

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    FOR THE REST OF the day I haven't seen Augustine. I'm glad and disappointed. Don't ask me why - I won't have a answer.

For the rest of the day I took advantage of the castle and studied it profoundly. I went into every room I could on the east wing and found a huge library, a ballroom, a music room, and multiple other bedrooms. All were grand and luxurious, just like how I expected, but some rooms I couldn't get into since they were locked.

I'm not stupid. Even though Augustine couldn't look over my shoulder like a hawk doesn't mean he wouldn't order other guards to. I saw their shadows when ever I turned a corner and felt their beaty eyes staring at me. I also smelled them. It was fowl disgusting stench - almost like rotting fish.

How am I going to stay here with vampires? A species I'm trained to kill. How can I walk into a room of them and not visibly wince at their stentch? What am I going to do?

I sigh and go back to my room. I just finished dinner and now I'm extremely tired. When I get up to the room I don't bother to take a shower but instead change into my pajamas and create a wall of pillows in the middle of the bed just in case Augustine comes back to sleep on the same bed as me.

I turn off the lights and crawl into bed. I don't fall asleep right away, I just gaze into the wall beside me and think about the events that played out this morning.

I feel humiliated and guilty. I shouldn't of told him I'd never love him. Vampire or not if anyone ever told me that I would probably cry. It was harsh of me - why am I defending him?

Oh, no. This place is already changing my state of mind.

I hear the rooms door open with a slight creak. If I knew it was Augustine. His scent is empowering. I can't help but shiver. I hear his footsteps come closer and closer to the bed but I never look over to him, instead I pretend I'm asleep and face the opposite direction of him.

He rummaged around for a couple of minutes before I feel the bed sink under his heavy weight of muscle. The blanket moves so he is covering himself with it. Then it's silent.

I slowly feel myself starting to drift asleep. I hear Augustine move the pillow barrier onto the floor and pull me in close to his chest. My body unstiffens and relaxes under his touch which I curse myself for. "Ugh. I knew it."

The last thing I remember is his chuckle hitting the back of my neck.


    I open my eyes and yawn. Another great sleep like yesturday, I wonder why.

Looking over to the reason why I been sleeping son well I find an empty spot on the bed. Augustine must of left early.

The empty feeling in my chest makes me roll my eyes. Come on now, Maya. Get a hold of yourself.

As I'm getting out of bed I notice a paper resting on his pillow. Knowing it's from him i'm almost a little too eager to open it up and read it it.

   Dear Love,

Today I have to take care of some things early, I do have a kingdoms to run. Do anything you please that you know won't upset me and stay within reason. I'm trusting you.

Be in the ballroom you were dancing in yesterday at eight - sharp. No earlier, no later.

Your in every sense of the word,

Vampire BallWhere stories live. Discover now