2~ Nice Little Scare

462 24 4

Maya p.o.v


Must run faster, I think as I push myself more deeper into the woods. My breathing is feeble gasps of air as I charge threw the night jumping over logs, dodging branches, and avoiding large rocks. Adrenaline burns in my veins and makes me go faster. The burning images of the Kings merciful face creates panic, causing more adrenaline to be created. To add to all the fire - I can't see anything that's in front of me or where i'm headed towards. The only light is the full moon that shined high up in the sky. Unfortunately it doesn't do me any good since the canopy of trees block its light.

I hear him. His heavy foot steps echo threw out the night adding fuel to the panic that creates the adrenaline inside me. If he wanted to catch me he would of already, I thought and it is true. He's The Vampire King, i'm more than a human - i'm a huntress without my full powers but I can't out run him. Why is he running at an human pace than? The answer was simple but I refused to believe it.

He wants to scare me.

Twenty minutes earlier...

The wind whipped my short hair around my face as the King ran threw the night with me in his arms. I could feel his strong biceps bulge ever so often around my small frame. Compared to him at least. I don't know what to feel. I want to run away from him but at the same time run towards him. I hate vile vampires so why am I in the King of the Vampires arms? The image of his face all calloused and dark entered my mind. He could of killed Ashton but he didn't. I never in my life saw a vampire turn into something so...merciful. Even in the accident not once did a vampires face turn like his. I need to get away from this man, but I need answers. The questions that linger in my head or getting more and more demanding.

The King suddenly stops running and the rush of the wind is gone. I finally have the courage to open my eyes. What I see isn't what I was expecting. We aren't in a castle, a garden, or a bedroom. We're in the middle of the woods on a dark path with a creak in front of us. It's steady flow is calming somewhat, but the constant reminder in my head that whispers your letting a Vampire King carry you and he could most likely attack any second doesn't help the creaks feeble attempt to calm me down. So to say the creak doesn't help is an understatement. My palms are sweaty making me wipe my hands on my dress every two minutes, my heart is beating faster than an hummingbirds and I think I might just have a heart attack, my minds going haywire making my vision go a little blurry, and to top that off I don't think I can speak without stuttering since my throat is dry as hay.

The King sets me down on my feet gently and I mentally cuss him out for doing so. My knees wobble slightly but I adjust to standing just a couple inches away from the vampire. Just by looking straight forward my eyes meet his red tie that is expertly tied, I have to lift my head up some to meet his gaze. Yet again i'm captivated by his beautiful grey eyes that seem to hold so much power and domination. Neither of us speak, just stare. It isn't awkward or uncomfortable to me because something about his eyes just make me feel safe.

Than the image of his black, cold, distant, evil true form came to play in my mind. When he twisted Ashton's arm without any effort, or how he roared with such dominance and power. It's overwhelming to know that someone could be so humane and gracious than have such an animosity towards being that way. But yet again he is an manipulative bloodsucker.

I force myself to look away from his piercing gaze.

I will not give in. I will not give in, I chant in my head while I stare at the streams steady flow. I try to focus on the sound of the creaks water splashing against some stones softly and the crickets soft song.

"Your afraid of me." Was the first thing he has said directly to me. The strong deep voice sent shivers down my spine but I keep it oblivious.

My response was a civil shrug. Like I said before, I don't know what to feel or how to react. "I demand an answer." The Kings voice was now two octaves down but quiet, his voice reminded me of a soft storm.

I gulp. "I don't know what to feel." My voice was croaky, like a frog. I scolded myself for acting so innocent and weak. Huntresses don't do innocent and weak, when I turn 20 I vow to not act innocent and weak.

Suddenly I feel his soft strong hands lightly graze my shoulders with his finger tips. I jumped at the contact. Since I had my back facing him I couldn't see him make a move - therefore I couldn't prepare myself for his harsh attack to my pride and sensibility.

He stands a few inches from me but I can feel his warm body temperature wrap around me like a secure blanket. The things that he is already doing to me and I haven't even known him for more than two hours astounds me.

I don't think my heart can beat any faster or louder. I feel him take another step towards me closing the distance between us. Now his front is pressed against my backside. His form is strong, I can tell without even looking at him - just by touch.

His stubble lightly grazes my shoulder followed by his soft lips graze my neck, barely touching. My hormones are going haywire and it feels like my skin is being lit on fire. My cheeks are probably redder than a tomato by now.

"Are you scared of me?" He asks against my neck.

I gulp again. "I..You...I.." Was all I could manage threw my mouth. So innocent and weak.

He asks again but in a harsher tone making me flush and cower down a little. "Yes." I blurt out. My mind didn't even make a decision if that was the right thing to do or not, I just said it.

He backs away from me and I immediately miss his warmth. "Well then, I guess you better run."


Why does he want to scare me, didn't he scare me enough?

The sound of rushing water made me alert. It was a loud roar of water smashing against rocks and colliding with more bodies of water.

Suddenly I saw a faint light beyond the trees. Without any thought of what could happen i ran past the tree line only to find myself standing on an edge of a cliff. Small pebbles scrambled and feel of the side of the cliff because of the way i skidded to a stop.

Now i'm conflicted.

I can still hear his loud footsteps run after me and I know he isn't to far behind. I don't want to jump off the cliff but if I feel the need to i will make no hesitation. I take a glance of the edge of the cliff to see the rushing body of water. Guessing by how could the night air is against my skin the water would feel ten times worse.

"Don't jump."

His demanding voice made me stiffen and some what rebellious. I want to prove to him that he can't control me, I want to jump. I take another glance at the rushing water.

Two strong hands firmly grip onto my forearms and i'm pulled back from the edge of the cliff and back into the dark woods.

He flips me around to face him quite roughly. He then takes ahold of my chin gently and stares deep into my eyes before commanding me to sleep.


I just want to thank everyone who voted for my story. Love ya

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