5 ~ Questions

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I WAKE WITH A feather light touch on my face. First caressing my cheek then moving up to my nose, then lips. I open my eyes and the first thing I see is Augustine. I'm laying on his chest with our legs entwined. My heart beat races and he smirks down at me in acknowledgment.

His bed head hair is flawless, all over the place and just strikingly perfect. His blue icy eyes are soft and sparkle with awe. My heart flutters and I take a deep breath before pushing myself of his chest and looking away from his gaze.

His arms wrap around my waist and pull me closer to his chest. He smiles a broad smile and my heart stops. He's a sight for sore eyes in the morning. Actually, he's a sight for sore eyes any type of the day.

Speaking of sore eyes, mine hurt from all the crying yesterday. I'm so stupid for jumping out the window. I could of done something else, but instead I jumped out a window. How nice.

"Your not stupid, Maya." His voice assures me as he gently rubs circles on my back.

"Did you just read my mind?" I ask bewildered. How did he do that? I didn't know vampires could read minds.

"I'm not just any vampire, Maya. I'm the King. And, I would of caught you either way, so technically if you jumped out the window or not I would of found you."

I shake my head and push off his chest and roll over to my side of the bed and sit up. "What else can you do?"

He takes a deep breath before standing up and stretching. I'm thankful he's wearing a shirt or else he would of witnessed my perverted side. His laugh booms threw the room and a deep blush meets my neck and cheek. His laugh is masculine and sexy. His laugh reminds me of a stormy night, like thunder and it matches his personality greatly.

My blush is so deep that I feel it in the roots of my hair. I look down at my hands and play with the satin sheets.

"Get ready and be done for breakfast in ten minutes or else I'll come up here and drag you down there. I'll answer all your questions during breakfast." With that he walks out with a chuckle.

Good God. Now I'm gonna have to make sure my thoughts are G-Rated.

I run into the closet and grab one of his shirts and boxer briefs that I make sure are very clean and black basketball shorts before hoping into the shower. I hate the idea of having to wear his clothes. It makes me uncomfortable but I don't have anything else, besides my dress.

I quickly wash my body and put conditioner in my hair before jumping out of the shower and throwing his clothes on. I take a brush out of one of the cabinets in here before brushing my hair and leaving the room.

How could he give me ten minutes. He's so rude but is hotter than hell.

I stop suddenly on the stairs and take a deep breath. I need to get my emotions together. He kidnapped me, took me away from my grandmother and friends, how can I let him play me like is? How can I let myself let him play with my emotions? He's a cocky stuck up demon that my family kills for a living. I can't let give into him. I can picture my grandmother scolding me with her arms crossed and her hair in a bun with a lilac stuck in it.

This my chance to prove to myself that I can be my own person. I decide what I want, and what I want is to go home and forget about King Augustine. Only I can make that happen.

The pep talk surges a confident spark inside me and I suddenly become excited to for this new challenge I've taken upon myself.

I walk to the dining room and the scent of pastries, eggs, and bacon fill my nostrils and my stomach rumbling in hunger.

Augustine is sitting at the head of the table with a wine out of a fancy wine glass. That could mistaken a human, that he's drinking a very thick red wine, but I know better. He's drinking sin. Gulping a take a seat at the other end of the long table, trying to put as much distance as I can. He notices and his grip on the wine glass tightens and he squints his eyes at me, "Sit next to me."

His voice is hard and comes out cold as ice, but I don't flinch or give into his requests. I was born and raised to not take orders to his kind. I shake my head, "No." My mouth forms the word out with a perfect 'O'.

He bites his lip hard in anger but doesn't say anything more about the manner.

I relax my tense shoulders before taking some scrambled eggs and a couple slices of bacon and toast. Before I dig into the delicious looking meal I ask, "Why did you take me?"

He sighs and sips his... wine. "You are my beloved. You are staying with me." I'm thankful he doesn't pronounce each word like I'm a two yea old. That's another thing that makes my blood boil.

Swallowing the food I've take a bite of I glare at him. "Don't you know I have family and friends back home that are probably worrying about me right now?"

He nods. "I know that."

I scoff. He's such a jerk! How am I going to convince him to let me go? I look back up at him, staring deeply into his eyes, "You want my love and affection?" It's a rhetorical question. I know he wants my love and affection, too bad it's not coming his way any time soon. Or ever. He nods slowly.

"One way to get a girl to fall for you is to not kidnap them." I strike fast.

Suddenly his booming laugh bounces off the large dining hall walls. Of course, he would laugh at me. I was being serious. I was also hooping he would soften up and let me go, but I know he won't do that so easily. If I want to win this, I'm going to have to fight harder.

"Do you know how old I am?" He asks, with all serious now. It kind of scares me. How he changes moods so quickly. He's seriously bi-polar.

"I thought I was the one who was supposed to be asking the question?"

He ignores me. "I'm four thousand years old, Maya."

My eyes widen involuntarily.

"I think I know how to win a girls affection." He states.

Anger bubbles inside of me. It seems like he only turned up the heat. I 'm angry how he can be so cruel but so caring. How he can be so handsome yet revolting when he sips his victims blood. I'm angry how he makes me feel so mixed up in different emotions, like I'm starring at a sign with different arrows pointing to different directions and I don't know which way to go. I'm angry at myself for that.

Having enough I stand abruptly, causing the chair to skid and fall behind me. "You might be able to win the affection of other girls with your knowledge of being a creepy old pedophile, but you will never win mine!" I yell, my words echo throughout the hall and it leaves Augustine's face appalled.

I spin on my heel and stomp towards the stairs. I know I'm acting childish, my anger drives me to do childish things sometimes, including a dramatic exit. As soo as I make it to the top of the stair and almost to the doors my body is pushed up against the wall, hard and painfully.

Augustine looms over me with furious eyes. They aren't the color they used to be, no, they're black, fully black and it scares me. Just like that night in the woods. "Love me or hate me, I will have you, Maya. You're mine."

I open my mouth ready to yell at him about how I'm my own person, but he's gone before I can.

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