4 ~ Let it out

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Hey, Babessss.

I know, I know, you've waited long enough for this chapter, but it's finally here. I have testing all this week..omg nooo, but oh whale.

But, I have a very IMPORTANT AUTHORS NOTE at the end of the chapter, so please check it out.

I hope you'll comment and like.


Maya P.O.V

A knock suddenly erupted from the door. King Augustine stiffened, for a second I thought he was going to ignore the knock and sink his lethal teeth inside my weak flesh, but the knock came again, this time louder than before. Augustine released me with a groan before walking to the door. The crazed and dazed look was still in his eyes, the color of the haunted moon during Halloween wasn't the best look on him. Or anyone for that matter.

Sweet relief flowed threw me and all I want to do is jump out the window and run as fast as I can. I release a relieved breath and say a silent prayer in my head.

Augustine opened the bedroom with with so much force the doors hinges made a pop noise, but they don't fall off. The Kings jaw is tight and the scowl on his face could make a gorilla cringe. "What?" He snapped.

I heard whispering from the other side of the threshold and since I wasn't a vampire and wasn't twenty yet I couldn't hear the vampire.

"Alright." Augustine said. He looks back at me, still up against the wall, and when we make eye contact I quickly look to the ground. "I have business to take care off, Maya."

With that he leaves closing the door behind him causing me to let out a breath I didn't know I was holding.

What just happened?


Unknown P.O.V

Her birthday is coming soon. Which means I don't have a lot of time. A rumor went around saying she was kidnapped by the Vampire King, saying she was his beloved.

That can't be true. A powerful hunter can't be paired with a creature her ancestors were known for hunting. Especially, since it's the King of the Vampires.

But I have a plan.

She won't last at the palace. When her birthday comes around and she gets her inhuman senses, she won't be able to stand the smell of the creatures. When that happens, I'll be there to help her.


Maya P.O.V.

I've been locked in this stupid room for hours now. The King, Augustine, left four hours ago with no signs of him coming back.

I gaze out the window. It's a starry night and the moon's high in the sky. It's fascinating and I'm awestruck by it's beauty. I look down at the courtyard, it's set up in a maze like way with an elegant fountain in the middle.

I sigh. How did I even get here? I had a bad feeling about that ball, I just did. I should of stuck to my gut feeling.

I wonder how my grandmother is doing. She must be so sad, I took care of her the best I could and we had a bond that couldn't be broken down. I can practically feel her grey thin strands of hair threw my fingers. I used to comb her hair everyday and put a nice lilac flower in the bun. Sadness and guilt hit me with so much force a tear slips from my eye.

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