9 ~ Electrifying

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Maya p.o.v

  I grabbed him by the shoulders, furious he wasn't giving me the answers I deserved, and spun him around.

He reluctantly turns around, revealing himself to me and I can't stop the scream that scraps up my throat.

He's covered in blood. His shirt, his hands. And I know for a fact that it can't be his own, for the blood drips down his long fangs, red as his eyes that stare in to my own.

He raises his hands and I scream louder, ducking away from him and tripping over my feet, landing on the floor beside him.

"Maya, please." He begs sincerely as he takes a step towards me, slowly.

I back up, schooching away from him. I knew he was a monster. How could I have been so careless and forget about who he is? How could I have willingly let him in? I gave him the power to touch me, show him sides of myself I'm not proud of, and in return I was struck with the hardest slap of reality.

My back bumps into something behind me and my hands touch something very cold and wet.

I notice Augustine's eyes flicker behind me and back to me, "Maya. Don't. Please. Don't. "

Tears stream down my face harder. I already know what it is and I'm paralyzed for long minutes. But the curious side of me wants me to look. It'll give me another reason to hate him and whether that's what I want or not I need it so I can move on easier.

I look down at my hands first and don't scream once I see the blood, that Augustine is covered in, pooling around my hands. I twist my body and everything around me stops.

The cold pale blue eyes that resemble glass stare back at me, the bodies skin is a green leather without any hair, and the body is tight as if all its muscles and fat has been sucked out leaving just the bone underneath the leathery skin.

I feel the urge to scream but somehow I hold it in and instead let the questions roam around in my head. How could this be happening? Why did he do this? A corpse is laying across from me, the man who's done it as standing next to me trying to calm me down with nonsense and my hands are coated in the freezing cold blood. But in the mist of all this, one hard question stands out against all; If he's a vampire how is it possible to kill someone like this? I've never heard of something so vile and disgusting. How? Why?

I look up at him and can't find an answer. HIs fang have been retracted along with the red eyes. He almost looks human. But he's a creature. A creature I hunt and kill so us humans can live in peace and that's exactly what I want to do to him. An anger bubbles inside of me for being so naïve and forgetting about who I am and what I was meant to do.

As quickly as I can, I back myself away from the corpse until I hit a wall, never leaving eye contact with him.

Fear and anger consumes my every cell in my body and makes my mind go fuzzy. All I can see are those glass eyes. A memory burned in my brain.

"Maya." I hear Augustine say.

"Why?" My voice cracks.

"Maya, calm down."

No. I can't.

I free myself from him and look down to my hands. The blood stained my flesh and I frantically wipe at my nightgown trying to clean off the blood completely.

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