8 ~ Fear Itself

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    I'M FLOATING IN a pool of darkness, with no beginning or end.

My auburn hair floats around me, my white gown with gold designs wraps around my skin and slowly rises up.

Everything's in slow motion.

I lift my hands up, above my head and push forward. Very slowly, as if I was swimming in syrup, my body moves up. I do it again. Then again. Trying to make it to the surface I can't see.

Then, suddenly, a light flickers above the surface. A guiding light, giving me hope.

But my oxygen is runing out fast and the urge to breath air is growing stronger. Fire burns in my veins as my head is screaming AIR, AIR, AIR.

Every move I make to reach the surface my heart beats quicker and my minds screams louder.

My finger tips feel the cold air before the rest of my body does. The breeze is strong but the water is still.

Face first into the air, I gasp it in. The ice cold air satisfying my needy lungs. I take in as much as I can.

But then a hand, colder than the air surrounding my face, wraps around my ankle and grips tight, the long talons poking into my skin. Another hand wraps around my ankle, another on my waist, then another on my hip.

Before I can take another breath I'm yanked down into the dark waters I've just escaped and plummeting to the bottom fast.

My cold hands reach out for anything that will help but it's no use as another hand wraps around my mouth, tilting my hand back anf forcing my down to my death.


I jerk up in my bed, gasping once again for sweet air that I've taken for granted.

Instead of tasting the air, I taste salt water traveling up my throat. I turn on my side and let the water spill out of my lungs onto the gold mattress comforters.

Tears run down my cheeks as I gag all the salt water out of my lungs onto my bed until my lungs are bone dry.

Whats happening to me?

Once the water is out of my system and I can finally breathe I take long heavy breaths. Air has never been so good.

Looking down on my comforter I see the water seep into the blanket and spread quickly, like a contagious plague. That's not normal, not at that speed. Especially since it doesn't look like water at all. It's black.

I jump with fright as loud hard banging on the bedroom door echoes in the spacious room.

"MAYA!" Augustine's loud voice booms through the door.

Quickly I grab the blanket from the couch and cover the now black stained comforter with it. "Coming, hold on."

I open the door to him and he immediately grabs me by the shoulders, keeping himself at arms length as he inspects me from head to toe. Looking for any sign of injury.

"I felt your distress, are you alright?" He asks with genuine concerns.

I nod, teaming his hands into mine and kissing them. "I just had a nightmare that's all . Don't w-"

"About?" He presses on.

I shake my head taking a deep breath. "I don't even remember."

I know he knows I'm lying, but I'm relieved when he doesn't ask further. Instead he takes a deep breath and nods.

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