Chapter 4

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I woke up the next morning with a slight head ache and took a shower to feel better. I got out the shower did everything I needed to do and got dressed. I dressed in blue basketball shorts and a black beater with black socks on. I ran down the stairs to see Michelle and Amber cooking. I'm really sick of seeing her in the house.

"Morning Michelle can I talk to you"?

Amber looks over her shoulder at me with red eyes and I looked passed her. Michelle wipes her hands on her jeans and we go out to the back.

"Why is she here for real Michelle? Huh?"

"She came out to visit us Nick, you're just going to have to deal with it. Let the past be the past it will help. Mom and dad said she could stay here you're the only one with a huge problem with it"

"So all of you guys forgive the girl that had me wrecked for two years"

Michelle was silent.

"Oh. So you are mad. Mom and dad told you guys to be nice they knew not to tell me"

"Look yeah I was hurt. Amber and I talked last night though. I wasn't in love with her, so you guys need to work it out"

I stared at the wall behind her and nodded.

"Well I'm going out and probably staying with Max for a bit"

"We made breakfast your favorite"

Michelle says sadly. I shook my head and grabbed her big head ass in for a hug. My sisters know how to guilt trip and Michelle was the queen at it.

"A'ight I'll stay damn you don't have to beg me"

I said walking into the house hearing Michelle kiss her teeth while throwing a dish rag at my head.

"Boy please"

She says as she goes back next to Amber who had her hair into mini mouse buns at the bottom her neck. She bumps her with her hip causing for Amber to bump back. I'm not gonna lie I stared at her ass. I'm a man can't help it. I walked into the living room and sat with Michael and Bryant as they talked about the show Power.

"Lil bro when you and Ambs gonna talk"?

"We did last night"

"Nah you crushed her is what you did"

"Ya'll don't know about everything just know I'm done with her"

I said staring at the t.v.

"She broke your heart"

Bryant says staring at me as if he was looking into my soul just like he did all those years ago when he asked about Amber in the car. I looked at him again.

"She crushed it, burned it and all above and I just mended it together. She didn't care all these years so I stopped giving a fuck. Can you blame me"?

I asked them wanting their opinion.

"Nah. Just hope you guys talk it out more when you both are sober"

I nodded but honestly I don't want to talk to her. All three of us sat there watching Power making comments until Michelle told us breakfast was ready. I was ready to eat and leave. We were all sitting at the table I was talking quietly with Robert about some girl that he was actually getting serious for. Crazy just last year he was trying to jump from girl to girl not caring.

"So Amber whatcha been up to since the last time everyone else seen you"?

Maria asks while bouncing Melanie up and down on her lap who was using her chubby hands to rub her eyes. I looked at Amber as she moved her eggs away from the bacon because she doesn't like them touching.

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