Chapter 1

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There are those who are born with and those who gain great power. When one unwilling of this power is the one who gains it, then a new and volatile piece is added to the game. With no choice in my power, I became this volatile piece.

And in the process I uncovered a conspiracy beyond my comprehension. One that would eventually consume me and all those who call themselves my allies...

Several months earlier...

A thin layer of snow pleasantly crunched beneath my feet. Ahead of me, a lone streetlight illuminated the twilit neighborhood. The silhouette of a friend was visible on a street corner bench down the sidewalk. As I came closer, it became easier to see her fur-lined hood and chin length blonde hair. I put my hand on her shoulder from behind, making her jump. She turned her head to look and upon seeing me she smiled.


"Mornin' Angel," I said while taking a seat.

"Bit chilly out," she commented.

"Yeah, first snow of the year,"

"I hope the bus gets here soon, I'm cold,"

"You should wear a coat more often,"

"Looks who's talking! I actually did today at least!" she retorted.

"Meh," I replied, "Never bothered me too much,"

"How are your classes?" she asked after a moment.

"Just as easy as last year. And the year before that,"

"I wish it was that easy for me,"

"It's just high school, it isn't that hard," I said with a grin, "You'll do fine, you have the last half of this year and all of next,"

"Are we already halfway through the year?"

"End of October," I replied, "Gettin' close,"

"Guess so," I replied as she fidgeted with her ring that she had taken off her finger.

A breath of air washed over my shoulder as if someone walked behind me.

Then came a crunch in the snow like a footstep. I looked around but saw no one. The noise stopped as soon as I turned my head.

"What's wrong?"

"Do you ever get the feelin' like someone's watchin' you?" I asked quietly.

"I think you're just paranoid, no one's there," she told me.

Her hand twitched in the cold and dropped her ring into the street, it made a small ding and rolled away into the darkness. I touched her shoulder and stood.

"I got it Angie,"

I went into the darkness of the empty road to where the ring laid and bent down to pick it up. Just as I did so a screeching sound came as a speeding car turned the corner and plowed into me. It sent my body rolling up onto the hood, then over the windshield and off of the back. I smashed into cold pavement on my face, my fist clenched tightly around Angel's ring.

Still barely conscious, and unable to move from multiple wounds across my body, I felt crushed. My breathing was rapid and sporadic and my heart was racing.

"Thame!" Angel screamed just as the car sped away, the driver not even bothering to get out or see if I was alright.

Her footfalls became louder as she ran over to my broken body. I felt a hand on my back as she rolled me over. Her face came into view, but was blurry. My vision began to fade. My friend then looked up at something nearby and let out a scream that rang in my ears. I remember slipping in and out of reality for a short time as something carried me away from the street. After sometime of walking away, the air around me changed temperature. It was warm as if I had entered a building. Something set me down on a soft and cushioned surface, a door shut then shut and left only the sound of panicked breathing in the room.

The Vigilante Book 1Where stories live. Discover now