Chapter 8

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I knew you were lying. I knew that I couldn't be the only one like me in this world. That man who fought Drake proved it. And could Myral...?

And who is Drake Hensley? And if he is as good of a shot as Dale says, then why didn't he kill me?

Sleep did not come to me at the relative safety of the bunker. Every time my eyes closed the sound of Drake's rifle came to mind.

"Rise and shine," Cie'loth's voice came sometime later, "Jack says you are on news," he added, then shut the door and left.

I got myself up and headed to the small room that Jack and Cie'loth ate breakfast inside of. They both sat in their usual spots, Jack with doughnuts and a cup of coffee, Cie'loth with his slab of unidentified meat. Angel was nowhere to be found, I could only hope Dale had eleased her back to her family.

"Want coffee?" Jack asked without taking his eyes off of the small television set mounted on the wall.

"Sure," I replied.

"It's on counter," Cie'loth grunted.

I silently picked up the small mug sitting next to a half empty coffee pot resting on the small counter near the table. After taking a quick sip, I realized that the coffee was quite sweet, Jack had put an incredible amount of sugar directly into the brewing pot.

"No wonder you're always so hyper," I commented while taking a seat.

"Mmhmm," he muttered, eating a doughnut.

The news on the screen then showed Dale speaking with several national news reporters.

"Strange that they didn't show it live," I commented mindlessly.

"They did, but they're re-showing because it was the middle of the night and less people watch then," Jack said quickly while taking another sip of his drink.

When the interview had ended, Jack stood and went to his surveillance center. I followed him as he sat down in a chair and rubbed his eyes, then let out a long sigh.

"You a'ight Jack?" I asked, leaning against his desk.

"Tired," he replied, "Too much caffeine, too many conspiracies, and too much sugar,"

"You should take a break, get some rest,"

"No, no, no, no. I have to help Dale with finding Drake,"

"How are you goin' to find him?"

"I don't know, but I have resources that the government doesn't, and I owe it to Dale to try to help,"

"Why do you owe Dale?"

"He-," Jack began, "Well he's done a lot for me. We go way back,"

"A'ight, don't stress yourself out too much," I said, giving him a comforting pat on his shoulder.

He looked up at me, then nodded and went back at his camera screens.

"Looks like you have a friend here to see you," he told me.

I took a quick glance at the camera feed to see Angel, standing outside of the shed entrance to the bunker.

"I need to speak to Dale anyways so I'll go ahead and get goin',"

"Yeah, later," Jack told me as he continued to monitor security.

I quietly left the bunker and met Angel outside.

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