Chapter 14

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Julieanna had no reason to stay. She had to leave she couldn't be around him. He brought out the human feelings in her more than any other human experience she'd had on earth. The other angels were sure to be searching for her. She wanted to clear things up and take the target off skyler's back. If only she could do that with the demons as well.

It's not your responsibility to take care of him. A demon of all creatures.

Her logical mind kept yelling at her for thinking such things. She had battles within her own head with decisions like this even though she knew which she had to listen to due to her status. She had no room to make the kind of choices and mistakes humans made on a regular basis.

And with the silence skyler turned away. He didn't want to watch her leave. He couldn't. He felt it would kill him. The one good thing in his life he pushed away even though they'd only known each other a couple of days.

Julieanna couldn't take it. If she didn't leave in that moment she would choose the wrong side. So with that she turned with her chin held high and walked right out the door. When she made it to the enterence of the cemetery she released her wings from between her shoulder blades. She felt so relaxed with them stretched out and ready to excersize.

She took off but when she got to the top of the trees she heard something so she looked down from where she had just been standing and a golden net captured her. Inabling her wings and making her fall in a heap on the groud. She was so disoriented from the fall she couldn't see anything. Everything was fuzzy. Her thoughts, sight and hearing.

"well well well. If it's not the pretty little angel flying back home to her mommy." a deep voice said. She could barely tell that it was coming from right about her. She felt the earth. She tried using her angel senses. She focused everything on feeling the energy and vibrations around her.

When she tried opening her eyes it was completely black. I'm blind. She thought. So she focused harder. She lost only a human sense but she wasn't just human but an angel in all it's glory. The net kept her in place on the ground so she could get up.

When she felt a shift in the earth she tried to detect how many more demons there were. All she could think about was some how informing skyler so he could escape. She didn't want him harmed. Especially since there were more than a few demons surrounding her.

She projected her thoughts to skyler hoping it would work. She knew that a few angels could project to anyone but all angels could project to one another. Julieanna couldn't seem to make it work. She felt like a failure. But giving up wasn't and option.

"skyler!!! They are here in numbers. Get out before they kill you!!" she yelled projecting with all the power she knew she had. Nothing happened so she believed she had failed once again. Until a huge, what seemed like earthquake, knocked every single demon to their hands and knees confused.

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