Hongdae Arts

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Enjoy xD Warning ** A bad word is said *** :( keke~


It has been 2 weeks ever since Luhan vowed to protect his loved ones, but he hasn't done much so far. He went to the wolves hideout and seemed to gather more information on the Mastalia's. They seem to travel in groups of 4 and they have 3 different status's. There are the Noble family, like Luhan. They rule everything and their hobby is to kill. The Advisers come in next. Even though they may not seem much, they have the ability to persuade the family to kill people, so they are quite powerful. Lastly, the citizens. They serve the Nobles and do everything they are told to, from killing an enemy, to slaughtering your own child. Luhan continued walking through the alley when he felt a presence

"Kris? Is that you?", asked Luhan.

Kris came out of the shadows and stared at Luhan. Luhan started to feel the tension rising and quickly asked, "Why are you looking at me like that?"

"Don't move."

"What?", said Luhan taking a step forward.

"I said DON'T MOVE!.", roared Kris. It has been a long time since Luhan felt fear. He didn't know what was behind him. All he could do was watch Kris's expressions. Whatever was there, behind Luhan, seemed to be scaring Kris. Kris would take a step forward then back away instantly.

Luhan whimpered,"Kris i'm scared."

"Shut up."

Suddenly, Kris attacked and all Luhan could do was scream and put his hands over his eyes. 

"Litle girl, it's over. Open your eyes.", said Kris.

Luhan slowly opened his eyes and turned around. An animal. An animal was lying on the ground with little life left inside of him. Blood was all over the floor. Luhan looked closely and saw that it was one of them. It was a wolf. Kris looked over the animal and asked,

"What's your purpose?"

"To serve the Mastalia family and die doing so.", said the creature in front of him. Every word was filled with anger and hatred and Luhan could see that it was hard for the wolf to speak. He started coughing and blood sprayed out of his mouth, mixing with the cement on the floor.

"and die doing so, you say?", questioned Kris. "So be it." 

Heartlessly, he shot the wolf. An aura of red and silver emitted out of the wolves body, twirled around Luhan and left, filling the night sky with light. Until it disappeared. Looking back at the ground, Luhan saw that the body wasn't there.

"Wah!", Luhan exclaimed. "Kris, I don't understand." 

Rolling his eyes like a buffalo, Kris explained,"This was a wolf. Our kind. However, it seems that he was brainwashed or something by the enemy. If we have even considered letting him live he would've killed everyone. Is that what you want?"

"No", Luhan quietly muttered.

"Good. Now, i'm guessing that you've read your father's letter." Luhan nodded, "I will help you with your mission but remember, this mission is to save your people, not to avenge your parents. Don't let your feelings get in the way. Learn to train and fight... Are you listening?"

"Yes I am", said Luhan.

"You're lucky", said Kris. "You have a small mission. All you have to do is find the Noble Mastalia son, heir to their throne and bring him to me. I'm not asking you to kill or hurt. Just simply bring him to me. No one knows his name but all we know is that it means 'pure' and 'worthy'."

Kris passed Luhan an envelope filled with documents.

"This document is an acceptance letter to Hongdae school of Art and Science, or Hongdae Arts."

"But I didn't apply to-"

"I know, but you have to go to this school. This is the school the Noblee lives in. I know you can do this Luhan. Plus, it's the same school your 2 friends go to. Have faith Luhan and remember why you're doing this.", said Kris.

Luhan looked up to Kris saying,"I promise."

Resting his hand on Luhan's shoulder, Kris closed his eyes and Luhan saw something glow on his hand. Amazed by what he witnessed he looked at his own hands and saw the same glow but different tattoo. "Stay strong mah nigguh" were Kris's final words before he left, leaving Luhan in fear and prosperity.

Luhan woke up extra early because he was excited for his first day at school. He would be having the same lessons as Xiumin and Sehun, except for Music. He was alone in music. Xiumin and Luhan both ate breakfast and left for school. Luhan put his headphones on, listening to Girls Generation I Got A Boy. Luhan loved that song, especially the Ayo GG! part. 

Luhan enjoyed his first lesson, Biology. He learnt about the Lymphatic System. Luhan liked the teacher. He was much better than the one at his old school. The next subjects, P.E and Phsycology seemed to go good. His day wasn't as bad as he thought. It came to Lunch and Luhan didn't know who to sit with. Xiumin and Sehun were called out so Luhan didn't know where they were. He was all alone and he didn't like that. 

"Hey Luhan!", someone shouted. 

Luhan turned to see who it was, when his tray of food accidently fell on a girl walking by. 

"Omo! Mianhae, le-let me clean that", he stuttered.

"It's okay." 

Luhan looked up to see the most beautiful girl he's ever seen. She had huge eyes that shined in the light, soft looking, rosy lips, long black hair that rested just below her shoulder blades. Luhan may have seen her before. Yes, she was in his Biology class. 

"Hi i'm Luhan.", he said and did a 90 degree bow, 

"Anyeonghaseyo, I'm Minah."

"I'm really sorry", Luhan said. "I'll make it up to you! I promise!"

Minah smiled and walked away leaving Luhan staring at her walking figure in awe. He was too mesmorised to see Xiumin and Sehun walk up to him. 

"She's hot", Xiumin said whilst getting an agreement from both Luhan and Sehun. 

Sehun started, "Hyung, I want you to meet our friends." Luhan was guided to a table filled with 9 boys. Sehun carried on saying, " This is Baekhyun, Chanyeol, D.O, Kai, Suho, Kris, Chen, Tao and Lay." As soon was saying their names, Luhan got a wave from each one of them. 

"Anyeonghaseyo, i'm Luhan and i'm 17 years old. Please take good care of me!" 

"Ahh!! Kyeopta", they all chimed in chorus. 

Luhan spent the day bonding with his new friends, who like to call themselves EXO. Music lesson was good for he had D.O and Chen with him. However, something was wrong about one of them. He could just feel it. Which one could he not trust? 

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