Moments of laughter, moments of tears.

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Annyeong my Pandas! x Do you like the story so far?? :D Even though I write like, once a century. it's actually fun!! A very big thing happened in the previous chapter, right? My krease.... Oh and I didn't mention that Sehun got taken away by Baekhyun *_* So yeah... Anyway, I said I would start to write more frequently, so Here I Am!! Hope you guys enjoy this chapter XD (I can't stop listening to SHINee's Spoiler) xx 

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Baekhyun and his father were walking the halls of the palace after the celebrating the death of Kris. It was a typical celebration. There was plenty of food, music, drunk people and pathetic people. Even though his heart was bursting with joy, because of Kris' death, his face said otherwise. Many people came up to him, asking him why he was upset, but he just brushed them off. They couldn't know that their future leader was turning soft hearted. He couldn't even bear to think about, what his fate would be if his father found out.

Whilst they were walking, Baekhyun started,

"So Father wha-"

They stopped in their tracks. The king turned slightly to face his son and said,

"What did you say?"

"Well nothing, really" the young prince replied. "I.. I was just going to say what are we going to do now?"

"What did you call me?!" The king suddenly raged.

"Father." Baekhyun replied with a shocked expression. Before he could try and defend himself, The King slapped his son sending Baekhyun to the ground. Tears started to appear, so he quickly started blinking because he really didn't want a second slap. 

"You will adress me as King, from now on. Do you understand?" said the King. 

Not giving a chance for Baekhyun to respond, he shouted, 


"Yes" Baekhyun whimpered. 

"Good. Now, what did you want to ask? and stand up boy." 

Doing as he was told, Baekhyun stood up and they both started walking again. 

He started, "Now that we have Kris dead, what are we going to do?"

"We?" said The King. "We are not going to do anything, until you kill a wolf."

Baekhyun completely forgot that he hasn't killed a wolf yet. He looked up to his awaiting father's eyes and said,

"I promise you fath- My King, I will kill a wolf right in front of your eyes."

"That's a good son." said The King and walked away leaving Baekhyun filled with happiness.


It has been 5 weeks since the dissapearance of Sehun and Kris and 7 weeks for Kai. The boys were really confused and lost. They would always get into arguments with each other and Luhan knew that he had to do something about it. 

They were all in the park eating ice cream when Luhan brought the situation up. 

"Guys... I think we should let them go."

They all stared at him with eyes wide open. 

"What do you mean?" Suho asked. 

Luhan turned and said, "We have been in constant fights with each other. We haven't even been there for each other. When people go missing, their friends and family usually comfort each other. All we did was fight! Even the police told us that they couldn't do anything about it."

"He's right" said Suho. "We should hold a service for them and let them go. It's the best thing for all of us."

They all agreed. 

*** 2 weeks later

They have been planning this for day. It has finally come. 

"Family and friends, we are here to celebrate the life of our beloved Kai, Sehun and Kris..."

The sevice was emotional. Moments of laughter, moments of tears. 

They were all busy either eating, or mingling. Everywhere luhan went people would come to him and express their gratitude and sympathy. It was very hard for Luhan to meet all their parents. Seeing them look so confused and upset reminded him that he needed to finish this. For his friends. 

Luhan was casually talking to Lay, when he heard a noise.

Then it happened. 

Screaming. screaming was all he could hear. They were coming from everywhere. His first instict was to search for his friends, but before he could do that he was pushed onto the cold, ground. Groaning in pain, Luhan looked up just to see, a black hoodied figure getting ready to stab him. They looked familiar...

The Mastalia. 

They were everywhere. Luhan wanted to see more clearly but he couldn't. Not with the blow that he just recieved. He tried to blink the blood away before it reached his eyes, but it was too late. They were blinding him. Rubbing the blood away ferociously, he stood up. People were screaming and running in all directions. His friends were shouting for his name, telling him to run. But he couldn't run. If he did, would all this be a waste? Would all the hardwork be a waste? Would his friends death be meaningless? No, he couldn't run. He couldn't.

It was time.

Time to fight.

Luhan's inner wolf appeared. He fought the hoodied men, knocking them with a single punch. Throwing them in all directions. He felt such power. Power that he never felt before. He let out the beast.

The Mastalia's saw what was happening to Luhan. They all attacked him, hoping to kill him. But he wouldn't let them win. He wouldn't. There was about 30 of them, but Luhan knew that he could beat them. He made sure that none of them would touch his friends. The only people left were exo and him. Everyone else was gone. From the corner of his eye, he saw one of them run to lay. Lay tried to defend himself, but Luhan knew he couldn't. Lay was just a normal boy. How could he protect himself, from trained men? How can he fight 30 men, yet still protect exo? Luhan needed help and he had to think fast. 

Luhan howled. 

In a matter of minutes, they came from everywhere. Snarling and growling at the Mastalia's. 

"Omo!! Luhan....Luhan!! Behind you!!...."


Luhan never thought that they would actually come, let alone show their true selves. 

Exo stood back and watched with amazed eyes. 

"Woahh..." said Tao. 

"Yeah.." replied Chen. 

They watched how Luhan moved with poise and swift. How every move was thought about before acted upon. How all the wolves gnarled and growled before they bit or tore the flesh of their enemies. Within an hour, it was all over. The allies went back to their base and Luhan was left with dead bodies and... exo. 

"Listen, I can expl-" 

"Are you a wolf?"


************ I'm so sorry for not posting for such a long time!! I started a new school, so I was very scared. I was waiting to adjust to the new life so.. yeah. I've made new friends YAY!! So it's all good. My fellow Kpoppers... Yuh know who i'm talking about. :D Anyway,it's a really short chapter and nothin much happens in it, but it's all i could do. Homework is taking over.... I love you guys!! Comment and tell me what you think. 

---- Ririxx 

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