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Guys, ..... I got sick x( ... like really sick..... Anyway!!! I'm back now, hopefully. :D I always ask myself, why be a fish if you could be the ocean --->>> 0_0 keke. You know how youtubers have like this meet and greet thing, I would love to do that. :DDD Who knows, maybe one day I will. My old friend who I haven't seen in like a year ( or less ) saw me yesterday and she was like "Hey, I really like your book" (0)_(0) Yaaaay!!!! I was so happy hehe. Saranghaeyo~~~ 


It has been 3 days, 17 hours and 47 minutes ever since that whole incident happened. Luhan was sitting on the floor, in the middle of his room, thinking about how he should tell them.

“Aish! Why is it so hard?” he asked, knowing that he wouldn’t get an answer, being the only one in the room.

Luhan stood in front of the mirror practising for hours… “I’m a wolf…no..umm..I am a wolf….noo..ughh.” This carried on the whole night.


It was 8 o’clock and Luhan was still in bed. Right now he should be walking through the school gates. He should be running to his friends, greeting them all with hugs. He should be talking and laughing with them. He should be with them, and them with him. But, he wasn’t. Instead he was sitting on his bed, with worn out, dirty clothes on him, crying for his friends. He didn’t want to avoid them, but he had to. He didn’t know what to say to them. The same questions were filling his mind. Do they hate me? What if they never want to see me again? What should I do? He couldn’t always stay like this, well that’s what he said to himself. So he decided to go near the school, just so that he could catch a glimpse of his friends.

It was precisely 8:13am and Luhan was standing opposite the street of the school. Due to the place he was standing, he could see in plain view, the school. He could see who entered and who left. So he waited and waited. Familiar faces walked into the school gates but they weren’t who he was looking for.

“They probably went home.” He said to himself. He was just about to leave when he saw Xiumin. Instantly tears started to fall.

His best friend. He didn’t even have the courage to talk to his best friend. So he started walking, hoping that Xiumin didn’t see him. But he did.

“Luhan! Luhan!” Xiumin shouted whilst running to him. Luhan turned just when Xiumin was in front of him. At first, they didn’t even say a word to each other. The only thing that was exchanged was hugs and a few tears, mostly from Luhan.

“Where have you been?” asked Xiumin.


“Oh, are you all right?”

“Yes.” replied Luhan.

“Okay, are you coming school?”

“No, I have some things to do.” Luhan replied. “Lay is waiting for you.”

Xiumin turned to see Lay at the school gates. “Oh, okay see y-“ But it was too late. Luhan was gone.

*** EXO

It was now 10 minutes into lunch and EXO were silently eating their food. Not a single word was exchanged.

“We should go and look for him.” Chen suddenly said with D.O agreeing with him.

“No.” Suho replied harshly. “Remember what happened when we tried looking for Kai? Have you all forgotten?!”

No one has ever seen Suho like this. It was terrifying.

“But that was in a forest.” Said Lay. “Now, we’re just going to look in the area. No forest, I promise.”

Eventually it was all planned. They would look for Luhan after school, not knowing where on earth to start. 

*** Baekhyun

“The time is here. Time to fight. Time to kill.”

Echoing cheers and weapons connecting with the ground filled the Hall of the Palace.

Baekhyun continued, “We will show those wolves who runs this world. We will rip their throats out and watch them bleed to death. We will own them. WE WILL RULE THEM! “


He could hear the roaring of the Mastalia’s. He never believed that Baekhyun, his friend would actually do this. Why couldn’t he see this? He should’ve known as soon as he saw him with the girls.

“I see you’re awake.” Baekhyun said.

“Shut up”

“Now Kai, that’s not nice” said Baekhyun.

“YOU’RE PATHETIC.” Kai suddenly burst out in anger. “We were your friends. We cared for you and looked after you, but instead you go around being some prince. You fool.”

“You’re lucky that I’m letting you live. “

It was midnight and something was happening to Kai. He could feel it. It was if his body was too big for itself. He had such a tight feeling, that he started to scream in pain. He stood rigid in the moonlight. His eyes changed from a honey brown to an insane yellow. He screamed in pain as his knees started to shake. Something ripped inside of him and everything went black.

A couple of minutes went passed and Kai woke up to eternal darkness. Something was different about him, but he didn’t have the time to think about it. He needed to leave. He ran and ran. Not knowing where he was going. Kai ran and turned. Sehun. Without exchanging a word, they both ran.

They been running for hours now and they were tired and thirsty. Ahead of them was a small lake, so they went to take a drink. But before they both drank, they realised the “something” that was different about them.

They were wolves.


 Sorry for the shortness of it all xD So what do you guys think? I know that it's short but I am writing more. I just thought i'll publish it, just to give you a glimpse. Saranghae!!  (I really want a meet and greet, so I could meet you all XD)

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