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edited version (09/07/2018)

| Calling Your First Name |

[After Galaxy]

Earth Eleven has returned home at last. They landed in a forest. They decided to have a campfire with the whole team. And also with the whole Raimon Eleven, along with the managers. Everyone was preparing the tent. Of course, (f/n) was building a tent with the managers. Aoi, Akane-san, and Midori-san.

"So, how was it?" Midori asked (f/n) and Aoi. "What?"

"The journey in the universe of course!" She said. "Hm, it's really fun." Aoi answered and smiled. (f/n) just nodded and gave a small hum as a response. "What was that, (f/n)? You aren't enjoying your journey?!" Midori yelled.

"E-Eh? No.. I-It's not like that.. I-I did enjoyed it! I had fun too! It really was exciting! Bu-"

"But something happened, right?" Akane cut off your words. "How did you know, Akane-san?" Aoi asked in surprised. (f/n) facepalmed at them. She was wondering why they were so well informed about this thing. "Teehee.. Of course!" Akane giggled. "Well, well. So what exactly is happening there?" Midori bluntly asked you. "Uh, no.. It's just.." (f/n)'s words were cut off again, and this time by Aoi. She told everything that happened between (f/n) and Tsurugi.

"Eeeeh?! Are you kidding me?! That alien queen had a thing to Tsurugi?!"

(f/n) simply nodded and continued building the tent. "But, why?"

"I don't really know but I heard the queen Lalaya has a father-complex. Well, Tsurugi do resembles the late king and that made her had a thing for Tsurugi." (f/n) explained shortly. She really wasn't in the mood to talk about it. Remembering it somehow made her upset. "Hm, I see.. So you were just jealous, eh?" Midori teased (f/n). "I-I was jealous. But I was even more worried that something happened to him that time. Well, for now, it really doesn't matter anymore.." (f/n) smiled widely. "Hm, I see.." Midori and Akane nodded as they understand the story. After a while, not a single words came out from any of them. They were focusing on preparing the tent so they can finish it quickly.

"Hmm.. I was wondering, you always call Tenma with his first name, and Shinsuke too. But you never call Tsurugi with his first name right?"

For a moment, (f/n)'s face turned bright red. "Why...Why? I-Is that a problem?"

"Of course! It's a problem!! You have to call your boyfriend with his first name!" Midori said. (f/n) gave a small smile but sighed afterwards. "But we aren't officially dating, Midori-san.."

"Ah.. You're right.." She sweatdropped. "But you should try call him like that, (f/n)!" Aoi said. (f/n) was silence and nodded slowly. "I.. I will think about it.."

Before the day turned dark, Shindou asked (f/n) to look for some branches to make a campfire. He told her to ask some friends to join her looking for some branches but (f/n) just went to the forest alone and look for it. "Well, how much do we need it?" (f/n) mumbled as she picked some branches on the ground. (f/n) hummed her favorite song and went deeper to the forest. Before she know it, she already reached the river. Since she felt tired after a long walk, (f/n) decided to stay and rest for a bit. The sun almost settled, but (f/n) sat and put her legs into the river.


She turned and saw Tsurugi running towards her. (f/n) stood up in surprised, "Tsurugi...?" (f/n) mind went blank for a moment. (f/n) looked away and sat on the ground again. "What are you doing here? Everyone's worried about you.." He said as he slowed down his movements and approached her.

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