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edited version (09/07/2018)

| Raimon Festival! |

"I heard that we are going to hold a cultural festival soon!"

"Really?! I can't wait!"

"Ah, I heard that teacher is going to announce about that today!"

(f/n) heard lots of conversation regarding to the upcoming cultural festival all the way to school. Everyone was already looking forward to it even though it hasn't been announced yet. Today was the day that matter was going to be announced. Even after school, Coach Endou was talking about it too. "Raimon always hold this cultural festival every year. Each club have to do something in the festival. Like a haunted house, cafe, or something like that," he explained. "But, Coach. We're in the middle of Holy Road. Is it okay?" Kurama asked.

Endou nodded. "Well, yeah, consider this is as a refreshing. Since the next match is in 2 weeks, we still have time to practice a lot. Ah, make sure to practice your individual skill too,"

Everyone cheered happily. It has been awhile they can have fun like this. Because of the Fifth Sector thing, they kept practicing a lot and almost got no time to relax. "Then, what will we do in the Festival?" (f/n) asked. "Hmm..." that question put everyone into their own thought.

"How about a soccer cafe?" Aoi suggested. "How about a haunted house?" Kariya smirked. "Haunted House?!" Hayami screamed."Hmm... a souvenir and snack stand?" said Akane. (f/n) hummed and put her hand on her chin. "Well, since we are a soccer club. How about a real match between Raimon?" (f/n) suggested.

Everyone turned silent. "(f/n)! IT'S BRILLIANT!" Midori complimented her. (f/n) widened her eyes, startled by sudden hype reaction from the team. "That is a great idea," Endou smiled and gave his thumbs up.

"Really?" (f/n) asked."I was just saying what's on my mind..."

"But if it's just a match, wouldn't it be too simple?" Hamano interrupts the cheer. "You're right" Kirino continued. "Then, how about adding it with souvenir and snack stand like Akane suggested?" Aoi said. "And don't forget the ticket booth!" Midori added.

The whole team keep adding their suggestion. After discussing things properly for awhile, they finally got their absolute decision. Even everyone agreed to it already. Yeah, everyone was really fired up to make this cultural festival successful.

"Okay, then. It's all set. I will repeat. The festival will start at 9 am and finish about 9 pm. So, first the mini soccer cafe will open around 9 am and start to close at 1 pm. Then everyone have to get rest. At 4 pm, the managers will open the souvenir, snack and ticket booth. After that, the match will start at 5.30 pm until 7.30 in the stadium. Understand?" Coach Endou explained thoroughly the detailed information of their activities.


"Okay! Now, let's divide the work into groups," Coach Endou continued.

Midori, Nishiki, Hikaru, Amagi,Tenma, Ichino, Aoyama, Kurumada, Shinsuke and Aoi handle the souvenir and snack stands and the cafe position and everything that is related to the properties and decoration. (f/n), Tsurugi, Akane ,Sangoku, Hamano, Hayami, Kirino ,and Kariya were asked to discuss about the menus for soccer cafe, and then buy the ingredients.

After discussing for awhile, (f/n)'s group wrote down the recipe and the ingredients needed. After that, they went to supermarket and bought the ingredients to do a cooking tester. Just to taste the food. At the supermarket, the group splits up again. Splitting the group to find the ingredients would be much faster.

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