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edited version (09/07/2018)

| We Are the Same |

"(f/n)! Let's finish our social project!"
"Today's homework is Math, Social, and biology"
"(f/n)-chan! Today is your team turn to clean the class!"
"(f/n), help me get the history books in the library please!"
"(f/n)! --"
"(f/n)! --!"

These past few days, people has been asking for (f/n)'s help. Whether it was school homework, teachers' requests, or other things. Not only that, she was also busy with group projects and other activities. People may have relied on her a lot because she was indeed look reliable and trusted.

As usual, (f/n) did her duty as the manager of the soccer club along with Midori, Akane, and Aoi. (f/n) handed the drinks to the members after they finished a few practice programs. But, (f/n) felt like she was not in the mood for this. Not that, but she felt like laying on her bed with comfy pillows around her. Her head suddenly felt dizzy, but she ignored it. It was only a light headache and she thought that she only have to sleep to make it better.

When she handed the drink to Tsurugi, (f/n) couldn't help but getting all shy and nervous again. She couldn't help but suddenly reminded of when she confessed to him so clumsily. Moreover, without knowing what that feeling was and so innocently asked many stupid things. She started to realized that she was being really naive all this time. "Hey, (f/n). You--" Tsurugi suddenly spoke up but his words got cut off by the girl in front of him. "W-What? S-Shut up!"

(f/n) said loudly. When she realized that, she quickly covered her mouth. "I... I didn't mean to! I am... sorry," (f/n) apologized and lowered her head. "Y-Yeah, It's okay," he replied. (f/n) heaved a sigh of relief and looked away. Despite all of that, she was somehow grateful that she confessed to him even though she doesn't know much about love. Or else, maybe the two of them are not going to be this close or even knew each other's feelings, even though they weren't officially an item.

Couch Endou called everyone back to the field with his whistle. Tsurugi then gave the bottle back to (f/n) and quickly ran to the field. (f/n) sighed. She realized that her face heated up just now. Midori patted her shoulder and grinned. "You are still shy towards him?" Midori teased (f/n), whose face got reddened from ear to ear. "No! Of... Of course not!" (f/n) denied, earning a chuckled from Midori. As she kept teasing (f/n), Tenma suddenly called out to (f/n) from the mid of the field.


(f/n) turned her face to the source of the voice. "What?" (f/n) could see Tenma was waving his hand from the field. "Would you like to practice with us? Because I heard our next opponent for the next match is really strong, and you are quite strong too! So, I think you will be a worth practice partner!" He exclaimed. (f/n) smiled. "Well,if it is for the team. I will join!" (f/n) said. She then changed into her P.E. uniform and quickly went back to the field. The team was already waiting for her. Tenma's eyes brighten when he saw (f/n) running towards the field. "Guys! (f/n) is joining!"

"Yeah! This is will be exciting!" Hamano grinned. "Thank you for joining us, (l/n). You are a big help," Shindou thanked her. "Yeah.. I will do my best!" (f/n) pumped her fist in the air. Then, they divided the team into two. (f/n) got to be in Shindou's team, while Tsurugi was in Tenma's team.

"Okay, let's start!" Coach Endou shouted and blow the whistle.

(f/n) played so well at first. She dribbled the ball towards the opponent's area. When she was about to pass the ball to Shindou, Tsurugi intercepted it. He smirked as he ran to the opposite direction, passing by the surprised (f/n). 'As expected, (f/n). Tough as always,' Tsurugi thought. (f/n) clicked her tongue. But she realized that she shouldn't play around here, since she really can't let her guard down, even for Tsurugi. As soon as Tsurugi got the ball, Shindou quickly moved in front of him. Shindou successfully took the ball from the ace and ran towards the opponent's goalpost. When he was already near the goal, Shindou then did his hissatsu technique. "Fortissimo!"

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