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 edited version (04/07/2018)

"My Thanks — Part 2"

After the last period ended. Aoi rushed out of the class and ran to the soccer club building. 'Ah! There they are!'

"Senpai!" Aoi called out to Midori and Akane as she approached them. Aoi stopped in front of them, getting out of breath after running nonstop from the class. Aoi grinned. "Why are you in hurry? Where is (f/n)? Not with you?" Midori raised a brow and put both hands her hips. "Hehe.. That's my plan," Aoi grinned and moved to the bench to sit on it. She straightened her legs and took a deep breath, still feeling exhausted from all that running.

"Huh? Plan? What are you talking about?" Akane and Midori exchanged glance. Aoi then turned her head left and right as if she was checking around if someone was around them. Then she leaned closer to both of the managers and whispered. "I think (f/n) has started realizing about her feelings,"

"Hmm, now that you mention it... I noticed that too," Midori put her hand under her chin. Akane nodded. "Somehow, she started acting weird and had this cute reddened face if we started talking about him." Akane continued.

"That's right!" Aoi exclaimed, nodding vigorously."So, What's your plan Aoi?"

"Actually, I just want to make her and Tsurugi closer. I bet Tsurugi has the same feeling for her too. They always argue, but it seems that they just cannot be honest with their own heart," Aoi replied. "Well, let's try!" Midori agreed.

"But, how?" Akane asked. "Hmm.. How about this?"


"Well, I am going to hospital," Tsurugi stopped in the intersection and pointed at the hospital just across the main street. "You can go home alone, right?" Tsurugi asked with a worried look. "Of course, don't worry!" (f/n) grinned and put her thumbs up.

"Good. Bye then. Be careful," he waved his hand and took the opposite of the route. As (f/n) watched his back getting farther, (f/n) sighed. She quickly made her way to her home. She was thinking hard about what to give to him in the whole way to her house. Even after she arrived and plopped herself on the bed, she was still thinking about it.

"Anything about soccer, huh? Oh come on, he already has it. Soccerball? he has it too. A sport magazine? No, that's not a good idea.. I think.. Agh! This is kind of troublesome... Wait, the one who asked me to give him a thanks gift was Midori-senpai! Then, I didn't have to do this if I don't want to.. although giving him a thanks gift is a good idea." (f/n) mumbled and sighed.


"Good morning!" (f/n) greeted the three managers with a wide smile. "Good morning, (f/n)! You are a bit late!"

Midori then approached (f/n) and grinned. (f/n) was kind of confused with her weird behavior. "So, (f/n). Have you thought about it?" Midori grinned and put her arms around (f/n)'s shoulder. (f/n) glanced at the pink haired girl and raised an eyebrow. "About what?"

"That! A thanks gift for Tsurugi!"

"Ah, that? I don't think I will give him a thanks gift. I just... don't have any idea what to give him.. He said he loves all about soccer. But isn't that something he already have in his daily life?" (f/n) answered and sighed. The three widened their eyes. "Ehhhh?!"

"BUT... BUT YOU MUST GIVE HIM SOMETHING!" Midori facepalmed and tapped (f/n) shoulder a bit hard. "Hmm... Well, I will think about it later," (f/n) said as she started preparing the drinks. While Midori, Aoi and Akane exchanged glance and giving a 'Looks like the plan failed' face.

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