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| We Are the Same |

'Why? I just want to help him and his team! But he.. ah whatever' (f/n) thought as she walked alone on herr way home. She felt a bit sad, but she realized that it might have been her fault too. But what made her irritated was, why Tsurugi had to say it like that. (f/n) recalled of when he talked to her in a higher tone all of sudden. "He must be mad..."

(f/n) shook her head. "I feel uneasy... this bothers me," (f/n) clutched to her chest. She then hit her own chest three times and took a deep breath after that. "Maybe he is really mad at me. Should I apologize? No, wait. Why should I?!" (f/n) thought to herself. When she arrived at home, she immediately plopped herself to the sofa. (f/n) buried her face on the pillow. Mom appeared from the kitchen. "(f/n)? You are home? Why didn't you say anything?" she approached (f/n) and sat on the couch next to the sofa. "I am home," (f/n) simply said in a muffled voice. Mom looked at her in worry. "Are you okay? Do you feel sick again?" she asked. (f/n) got up and leaned on the sofa comfortably. She hugged the pillow and pouted. "No... It's just... I had a fight,"

"A lovers quarrel?"

"What?! No! It's not like that, geez!" (f/n) denied. "So? How about you tell me about this?" Mom suggested. (f/n) took a long breath and started to explain it to mom. At first, she was a bit hesitant to tell Mom but she explained it anyway. "Hm? Just like that?" that was her respond after (f/n) finished her story. (f/n) nodded. "It is actually not a big problem. I understand why he was being like that. I mean, I wouldn't want you to push yourself too. Anyway, how about you quickly clear this problem out tomorrow? This is something you should solve yourself," Mom smiled and patted her head. (f/n) nodded slightly. "Okay..."


(f/n) went to the class and found Tsurugi sitting on his seat as usual. He was burying his face on the table, probably sleeping. 'Well, now, how do I face him?' (f/n) thought, a bit troubled. (f/n) then walked past his seat and put her bag on her table. Then, the first period started. (f/n) did her things as usual, but probably a bit too hard this time. After school, (f/n) hasn't got any chance to talk to him. It felt awkward all of sudden and (f/n) was nervous everytime she wanted to start a conversation. Well, they haven't talk to each other for the whole time they were in class. Before she went to the club room, (f/n) had a cleaning duty in her class today. She contemplated about what happened and resolved that she really had to apologize.

Midori and Akane walked past her class and greeted (f/n) from the doorway. "Hey, (f/n)!"

(f/n) smiled and ran to the door. "Midori-san, Akane-san!"

"Are you coming to the field today?" Midori asked. (f/n) nodded. "Yeah. Besides, there is something I have to do there. Well... about our childish fight," (f/n) rubbed her arm and smiled bitterly. Midori and Akane exchanged glance and smiled. "Ah, other than that. I want to help the team again today! I hope he is going to let me join them, though," (f/n) chuckled.

"Geez, (f/n). You are being too kind," Midori said. "(f/n)-chan is good of taking care of people, but you might be bad on taking care of yourself!" Akane giggled. "Eh?" (f/n) raised an eyebrow. "You know, Tsurugi was just worried about you. He knows that you want to help the team, but he won't allow you to do that because he wants you to take care of yourself first!" Midori grinned. (f/n) lowered her head and stared at the broom she was holding. 'He... is worried about me...'

"Well, I agree with him. So for now you just have to watch from the bench. Me, Akane and Aoi will take care of the others," she poked (f/n)'s shoulder. (f/n) nodded slightly. "O...Okay,"

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