Author's Note | Thank You

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Hello! It's been awhile since the last time I updated something here. I have edited this book, so you can read it again if you want.

 I have edited this book, so you can read it again if you want

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Well, as for me, after I reread my stories. I get this weird feeling of embarrassment. I have this kind of thought, "I should have been able to write it better" and "I should have been able to convey my mind into words"
Oh yes, I often have a hard times expressing what is inside my mind into words, haha!
Not that I hate this story though, I think it's great if I can write it in a better way. But I guess, making good stories with a good words needs time and practice. I should write more to improve my writing, and should read more to improve my vocabulary. Practice makes perfect, after all!

And to close this note, I wanted to say thank you for all your support for this story! I had fun in this fandom and writing fanfiction about him

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And to close this note, I wanted to say thank you for all your support for this story! I had fun in this fandom and writing fanfiction about him. Without you I don't think I have any motivation to write anymore kkkk~
I decided to end this story because I have other stories that I wanted to finish too. You can check them out if it's published later, hehe.
Once again, thank you very much!💓

[ pictures above aren't mine. credit to the artists ]

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