Chapter Five

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I don't know if this will be a long chapter but I'll try to throw some important events in there.



I groan and sit up. "What? What is so important you had to wake me up at," I look over at the clock, "5 in the morning?" 

"I need to talk to you! Now!" Her voice had a hint of excitement. 

I get out of my comfortable and warm bed. I put my hair up in a messy bun and I nonchalantly walk out of my room and then come face to face with my grinning mother.


"I got a phone call from Sally and she told me that Tyler is slowly waking up."

"Oh my god," I mumble. He's awake. I go back into my room and grab my jacket. I zip it up and walk past my mom.

"Are you going to go see him?"

"Yeah, I'll tell Sally to call you once I'm there. I'll be back in a few hours." I shut the front door and speed walk my way to the hospital.

As I walk to the hospital a lot of questions run through my mind. How is he going to react to me? Will he remember me? Is there going to be side effects like memory loss? What am I going to say to him?

Once I walk into the hospital I look over at Sally who is talking on the phone. She smiles at me and nods her head towards the elevator, gesturing for me to go on ahead. I smile and quickly get into the elevator. As I feel the elevator carry me up higher, my stomach flutters in excitement and nervousness. I didn't really give myself time to change, so all I'm wearing is a pair of pink polk-a-dot pajama shorts and a white tank top with a gray zipped up jacket. The elevator haults and the doors slide open. I step out and walk towards his room. The door has his name tag on it. I put my hand on the cold silver door knob. I take a deep breath and turn the door knob, pushing it open. I examine the room, and my eyes land on Tyler's mom who is sitting in a wheel chair at the end of Tyler's bed. She doesn't look at me, keeping her focus on her son. I look at Tyler who is in bed, with tubes connected to his arm, pumping a liquid into him. I walk over to Tyler's mom and stand behind her. I cautiously rest my hand on her shoulder, showing a sign of comfort. She sighs and puts her hand on top of mine. My heart aches at her touch. I feel so bad for her. First, her ability to walk was taken away from her. Then, her son got into a coma for two years. But worst of all, her husband left her. He couldn't accept that his wife was in a wheelchair and that his youngest son was in a coma. It pisses me off that instead of comforting his wife, he left. 

After a few seconds of me standing behind her, I feel my legs start to weaken. I carefully walk to the  chair next to Tyler's bed and sit down. I reach for Tyler's hand and hold it in mine. I caress the top of his hand with my thumb. Moments later, the door swings open. My head shoots up and my eyes meet with these sky blue ones that have tiny specks of gold around the pupils. My eyes trail down and examine the person standing in the doorway. The person is tall and built with broad shoulders and judging by the tight t-shirt that defines every muscle on the upper body, he's very very strong. The person clears their throat and I look up, meeting his eyes once again. He raises an eyebrow and smirks. I give him a sheepish smile due to the fact that I know he caught me checking him out. I blush and tuck a few strands of hair behind my ear. 

"Isaac, you made it."

He looks at Tyler's mom, breaking eye contact with me. He walks over to his mom and bends down to give her a hug. 

"Of course I made it. I got a call from you last night and I drove here as fast as I can. My body stiffened when he talked about driving. I haven't been in a car since the accident, yeah, it has been two years since the accident but I just couldn't sit in a car and expect everything to be fine. If I were to die, I would want to die naturally like my cancer. It's better to die of a sickness that you can't prevent than from an accident that is capable of being prevented from happening. 

"Isaac, this is Copeland. Copeland, this is my son Isaac," Tyler's mom says as she looks at him then to me. He walks over to me and holds out a hand for me to take.

I shake his hand. I couldn't help but feel sparks in my stomach when our skin touched. Maybe I'm overreacting. I'm probably just feeling this way because I can't wait for Tyler to wake up.

"Wait, I thought Tyler didn't have any siblings?"

"He does, it's just that Isaac lives two cities north from here. He lived wth his grandma since he was two and still does."

Why hasn't he ever visited? Does he have something against his mom or what?

He smiles at me and my face heats up. I mentally slap myself for blushing. He lets out a chuckle and I narrow my eyes at him. 

"I'm going to go get some coffee. Who wants some?" Tyler's mom says as she pushes herself in the wheelchair towards the door. "I know what you usually get Copeland. Isaac, are you still not a fan of coffee?"

"Water's fine mom," he takes the seat next to me.

"Okay. I'll be back in a little bit."

I stare at Tyler's emotionless face, waiting for his eyes to snap open. My chest starts to feel tight. I take a gulp and pull out my pill bottle. I quickly pop it open and get a pill. I pull out my bottle of water and take the cap off. I put the pill on my tongue and chug it down with water. I feel my chest start to open and I breathe out in relief. I look over to Isaac who is wide eyed and with his lips slightly apart. 

"Are you okay?" 

"Yeah, I'm fine," I say as I put everything back into my bag. I look at Tyler's hand that I had let go when I shook Isaac's hand. Suddenly, I see his index finger twitch. 

"Oh my god, he moved," I say softly. Tyler's hand balls into a fist but everything else is still.

"Shit," Isaac mumbles under his breath. I stand up and look down at Tyler.

"Go get your mom," I say. Then Isaac runs out of the room.

I gently grab his hand and I can feel his body tense beneath my touch. I smile like an idiot. I really want him to wake up already. "Come on Tyler. Wake up." Right when those words come out of my mouth his eyes snap open.

"Copeland?" He asks as he look at every feature of my face. I smile and nod. I'm lost for words. I feel like if I say something, I might sound like a whale. 

I bend down and take him in for a hug. He gasps but then his arms wrap around me hugging me back.


I introduced you guys to a new charcter, Isaac. Trust me, you'll get to know him better later. ;)


Brad will appear soon ladies. Don't worry. :)

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