Saotome's daughter

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"Misaki please they need a composer" father yelled i huffed with annoyance.

"baka get someone else" i said angry as well as angry as one can get at their dad. Oh sorry i forgot to introduce myself i'm Misaki Saotome yes my father is Shining head master of Shining academy here in Japan. 

"i can't no one will do it their busy" he begged i looked around his office and tried to look occupied,  his office had brown oak panels, oak floors and a desk but my favourite thing was the window it over looked a forest filled with lush greenery and wildlife the only decent thing here. Father snapped his fingers like an idea had popped in his head.

"hahahahaha if you join the master course i will let you be an idol and a composer" he grinned. This caught my attention it was my dream to compose my own songs and this is my chance but i would have to hang out with Starish uh.

"Bakkin (fine)" then suddenly he vanished from right in front of me well he normally did this so i wasn't surprised in any case i better pack. I left his office and the building and decided to walk through the forest to get home it took a little bit longer but i needed some fresh air. My feet crushed against the grass as my eyes met the entrance to the forest and so my walk began. I filled my mind with every flower and animal i could it was so beautiful the willow tree's placed around like a path. The wind blew gently through my hair and the branches of the near by yew's, then i heard some birds singing a melody unconsciously i started to hum it was delicate but had meaning everything had a meaning all expressed through song, the wind, the grass, the animals that's how humans learned everything was thanks to nature. I smiled lyrics started running around in my brain so many idea's came to me. Let me see...

-translated into english-

  Through the flood of crowded people
I keep looking at his silhouette
It was possible to play around with fate, to embrace you closely would be a miracle
It may be painful, it might hurt
Now we can only believe

Though struggles are depicted in this love story,
And tomorrow spells out invisibly
I won't hesitate to be with you,
I won't be lonely anymore

Your voice remains in my ear (the wind blew gently the sun coming out shining down on me)
I remember your shape in my closed eyelids
I'm tired of feeling the pain you gave
Your smile and gentle words echo in my heart
I want to forget this

Once you reveal your feelings
I won't need anything else
Honestly, I cried like a child
While wide awake in your hands

And tomorrow spells out invisibly
I won't hesitate to be with you,
If someday the two of us, could honestly be together happily
I'll hold onto you tightly.  

I finished singing just in time to see my house rise above the tree line.

Ittoki's POV

I am so late the president had something to tell us hopefully he had found us a composer we've let our fan's down with our songs as no composer equals no songs it sucks really but i have to smile for everyone. I ran through the forest to the agency my legs were hurting really bad so i stopped my hands on my knee's to catch my breathe when i heard a voice. It was different from anything i've heard before i needed to find the source of this music. I moved round tree after tree until i saw a glimpse of a figure long blue hair moved in the wind i moved a little bit closer but i still couldn't see her face. I continued to observe from a distance in the background i could here birds singing the melody matched the tune the girl sung. How did she do that it isn't possible it's like nature was an instrument she played.

A hand tapped my shoulder i jumped at the sudden contact my heart jumped out of my chest. I looked up to see Syo-kun what was he doing here?

"what are you doing here?" i quietly whispered. He gave me the are you serious look his blonde hair barely showed as his fedora covered his head he was really short. As i stared at the fellow band mate i remembered the girl i motioned Syo to follow my gaze he nodded as now both our eye's landed on the girl she had finished singing at that exact moment  i noticed the sun light that was shining on her had disappeared odd never mind. I saw he move a strand of her dark blue hair behind her ear, her eyes amazed me they were purple, i had never see purple eyes before they were very pretty after a while the girl walked off.

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