Sakura Kiss

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Misaki's POV

Eyes opened to meet the ceiling of my room it was dark by my estimate barely dawn i sat up in my bed a yawn escaped my lips i touched my necklace that lay against my kneck. They can't know it might be hard to believe but my voice connects with nature i swear i'm not crazy...It started when i turned 16 i was singing well more like humming to myself as i composed a new song outside by the willow tree that we had back at our estate when a rainbow formed in the sky like a normal person i thought nothing of it that was until my adoptive mother died... I was asked by my father to sing at the ceremony the weather man predicted sun shine but as i started to sing it poured with rain. That's when i realized my ability it's strange i never understood how or why, but thought it was normal for me.


My thoughts were interrupted by a sudden knock from outside the door, i cleared my mind from the memory.

"come in" i said politely the door opened to reveal Ittoki we shared a brief smile as he sat at the bottom of my bed the weight shifted. His red hair stood out in the room his hair was amazing i had boring blue hair and weird purple eyes.

"how are you feeling?" he asked his face red, i blinked.

"i'm fine are you?" i returned he looked confused. I reached out and held his face with my hands his redness got darker.

"your going red" i stated before removing my hands he tensed.

"i'm fine anyway your fever's gone down i should tell the guy's" he started to walk out but i called to him.

"Ittoki wait" i yelled he stopped and spun on his heel i pulled open my side oak draw which was filled with various paper and stuff but i reached and pulled out a sheet of music ad held it out for Ittoki.

"it's your song, i did't write any lyrics because i knew you liked to do that so good luck" i turned my head with a closed eye smile he muttered a thanks shyly ad left. Now it was just me ,myself and i so i picked up a pen and music  sheet ad scribed some notes that came to mind everyone's song's were done except mine humph !

Ittoki's POV

I read the music Misaki gave me it was amazing, no wonder she was begged to join the master course. I was walking down the hallway when i bumped into someone i fell on my butt and dropped the music.

"ow" i complained i looked up to see Syo he shook his head but snapped at the paper on the floor just as i was about to pick it up Syo snatched it.

"what's this a song?"he raised the question i grabbed it as i stood up he looked between confused and pissed.

"Misaki wrote it for me now if you don't mind i need to write some lyrics" i sighed as i walked towards my room.

Usi's POV

I sat with Misaki as she wrote lyrics and played with the pencil she was cute when she was thinking she suddenly spoke.

"i think i'm done" she sighed with relief she gave it to me so i could read it.





Oh my it was...good beyond good indescribable she hopped out of bed and ran out of the door.


Misaki's POV

I ran into the garden i wanted to have some fresh air i walked down the gravel path towards the rose garden filled with res'd and blue's the smell lingered in the air it was amazing.

Then i heard the sound of music like singing it was the same tune as the song i gave Ittoki then it stopped.

"no that's not right" i heard him yell.

I walked towards his voice which seemed to be coming from a stone bench behind a red rose bush i tapped Ittoki on the shoulder as he jumped.

"oh it's you shouldn't you be in bed?" he asked i shook my head.

"nah i prefer the outdoors than that room" i giggled as did Ittoki but soon stopped.

"hows the writing going from what i heard it sounded good?"


"well do you want some help?"


"of course" 

"so what's the topic?"

"i was thinking..."

-after finishing the song-

Everyone had gathered in the garden me and Ittoki sat next to each other on the same bench as the rest of Starish sat around Ittoki started playing his guitar.

The sound of clapping echoed in the garden everyone was amazed so was i his lyric skills were amazing he didn't even need my help just a push in the right direction.

"Misaki thank you so much" Ittoki suddenly hugged me i froze but returned it.

"your welcome" he blushed once more.

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