Prince of fighting-scared of heights

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Misaki's POV

Another day, of the master course and I've done 8 songs 7 for the guys in Starish one for Cecil ,Renn ,Misato ,Ittoki, Syo, Tokiya, Natsuki and i only have given a song to Ittoki so i need to remember to give it to them. The garden path went by the forest line so i glanced at the lush tree's dense, the smell of pine filled the air a rustling enticed my ears i looked once more upon the tree's to see what looked like a person hanging to dear life onto a branch i walked closer to see Syo and he looked stuck.

"Syo-kun?" i called out to him he briefly looked at me before he let go accidentally and fell out of the tree with a thud. I gasped and ran over to his limp body tears rolled from my eyes what have i done?

I placed his head onto my lap and stroked his face his blonde hair fell in front of his eyes as i swept them away. His eyes twitched hmm? I came closer to see properly just then blue orbs met my purple i blushed but Syo screamed like a girl and turned red as he jumped out of my lap.

"what happened why was i in your lap?" he questioned beet red i laughed.


"you scream like a girl" i laughed he just shrugged it off as i rolled on the floor.


"i saw you in the tree i called out to you then you fell out i thought you were hurt so i tried to help" i sighed. Then i heard what sounded like people's foot steps Syo ran to me grabbed my wrist and pulled me into a run further into the woods.

"what" i said as he pulled me in after a while we stopped by a lake the water shimmering from the sunlight Syo turned to face me.

"sorry but i can't anyone see me the truth is...i'm scared of heights" he yelled and looked down, i smirked and grabbed his hand he looked up surprised.

"so what it's nothing to be ashamed of" i smiled he nodded.

"but the thing is i want to audition to be in a film with Hyuga sensei" i nodded.

"i will help you fight your fears" i shouted for him to hear he shot up and smiled widely.


1. Top floor of the master course dorm building.

I took my hands away from his eyes as we stood at the edge of the roof his eyes met the ground below, he screamed and clung onto me that i lost balance and he landed on top of me. Footsteps were heard i turned my head to see Natsuki, Cecil, Tokiya, Renn ,Ittoki, and finally Masato i blinked a few times as their faces were shocked at the sight before them but Renn walked up to us and pulled Syo off of me i sighed with relief.

"what was that?" Tokiya asked crossing his arms i swallowed and stepped forward.

"Syo tripped and landed on me no big deal" i said the guys looked questioningly over Syo then back at me.

"why were you up here?" Masato asked i gulped and thought i can't let them know about his fear it's his choice if he wanted to tell them or not and i know more than anyone what it's like to keep a secret. Then an idea came to mind i put my hand into my pocket and pulled out a music sheet. I strolled over and handed it to Syo he took it and looked it over his eyes widened.

"what is it?" Tokiya asked i smiled.

"it's his music i composed for him i took the chance when i ran into him to give it to him. Any problems talk to me" i looked down slightly i hated lying to people but i had no choice.

Syo's POV

She was lying for me but why? Did she feel pity... Or did she feel the same way with her secret?

Tokiya's POV

I knew she was lying from her avoiding eye contact, and the look in Syo's eyes he looked guilty and i was already annoyed at him for what he did to her i wonder why?

"Misaki stop lying what's the real reason?" i said she looked up shocked at my question but before she could deny it Syo interrupted.

"leave her alone it's my fault she was helping me get over my fear of heights" he confessed Natsuki jumped at him.

"we'll help won't we guys?" Natsuki yelled happily as he put a hat of a frog onto Syo's head and took lots of pictures Syo had an erk mark on his head as he yelled at Natsuki.

"HOW MANY PICTURES ARE YOU GOING TO TAKE?"it was hard not to laugh at as me and the rest of the guys smiled at the two. As the plans got into action we tried.

-pushing him off a building with a bungee rope.

-parachuting out of a plane

Misaki's Pov

But they all ended the same him screaming and getting even more frightened.

The day was going by quickly as we stood around a bench watching poor Syo shake like crazy, i put a hand on his shoulder to comfort him it only stopped the shakes a little then BANG father appeared from behind the bench we all screamed in surprise. Syo looked up not even phased.

"i will help you find the reason why your scared of heights along with Usi" as soon as he said that Usi walked along the path and stopped beside me i smiled wildly at him which he returned his blonde hair perfect as ever he's the best brother .


We were gathered in a dark room filled with candles surrounding Syo and father in a chair speaking in hushed tones.

"five years old imagine yourself on a feris wheel is it scary?" dad questioned with a clap.

"its fun"

"six years old?"

"scary please i don't want to go onto it" Syo begged it was hard to watch. father clapped his hands.

"now think back to the day you were first scared" after he said that Syo was silent until his eyes opened and started pointing st Natsuki who looked at him weird.

"it's your fault chasing me with that net i nearly fell to my death" he yelled Natsuki looked hurt i grabbed his shoulder, and squeezed it reassuringly.

"i'm sorry" he looked down Syo sighed and hugged him.

"i forgive you i did a long time a go" he smiled, Usi huffed at this cheesy sight i smirked at him i walked out of the room to give those two some time to talk i walked into a practice room to see Ranmaru and Reji i waved at them as they sat on the chairs at the far side of the music room behind the piano.

"what are you doing here kiddo?" Reji asked i smiled.

"well i came to see if there's a guitar free but this room's taken so sorry" i was about to walk out when Ranmaru called out for me.

"we're not using so use it whatever" he said i nodded and grabbed the guitar and brushed my fingers over it and began to play.

"that was great kiddo"

"it was okay" Ranmaru said i laughed at him trying to stay cool it was entertaining to watch then i notice the weather the wind was picking up i waved goodbye and went back to my room before i got the chance Syo called me i turned around.

"i did it i got an audition for prince of fighting it was all thanks to you your the best" i blushed slightly at the compliment.

"thanks but i just gave you a push in the right direction so i wanted to sing the song you wrote for me"

tears leaked from my eyes his voice was beautiful with the tune and the words just spoke to me it  was indescribable these guys have true talent it makes me want to sing and compose more.

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