Chapter 16

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Chapter 16

When I was finished with my breakfast I quietly headed towards the front door, wrote mum a quick note and then placed it inside I then went back to the front door and slipped on some boots grabbed a wheel burrow from the backyard and put paint tins into it. Kai had said he would get the wood with the help of some other people, Yuna offered to help me but I told her to help Kai and Eri and Sora decided to gather some plants. Before I left I quickly grabbed my phone and then headed on my way towards the woods.

The sun was just beginning to rise but I didn't mind, I had nothing to worry about after all and soon enough I reached the forest, entered it and discovered that I was the only one there. Setting the wheel burrow down I dialled Kai's number, he didn't pick up and I suddenly felt my stomach sink, what if he was hanging around Eri.

I then punched in Yuna's number and nobody picked up, I tried Sora and Eri's numbers but got the same result. I finally gave up, sitting on one of the old wooden chairs I let out a sigh.

I was about to head home when I heard rustling in the bushes, freaking out I spun around to find a dark silhouette approaching me. I let out a scream and tripped over the stool landing on my butt with my knees up.

"You're such a cry baby, it's not like I'm going to hurt you." Haruki said as he stepped out of the shadows with a hand on his waist and the other dangling by his side.

"You scared me." I barely whispered.

"You shouldn't have roamed into the big scary woods all alone." Haruki stated with a smirk as he offered me his hand, I ignored it and got to my feet dusting off my overalls. Haruki was also wearing overalls with a red shirt underneath, I had told the others to wear overalls as well due to the fact that we would be painting and wouldn't wanna get our clothes dirty.

"I thought you weren't coming." I stated, trying to sound tough as I folded my arms over my chest.

"I wasn't, but then I changed my mind." Haruki said sounding really bored with a shrug.

"So where are the others? And your boyfriend?" Haruki questioned.

"Kai is not my boyfriend," I stated.

"Uh huh, that's not what he thinks." Haruki replied.

"He only said that to annoy you, he's probably annoyed that his not the only guy I'm close to anymore." I muttered, a sad expression crossing over my face.

"Well I guess he's gonna have to just get used to it then aye?" Haruki asked.

"Mmm." Was all I said before I headed over towards the ladder ready to climb up it.

"Miyuki that's dangerous!" Haruki called after me.

"I don't care!" I called in reply but before I started climbing Kai got in my way.

"He's right." Kai stated.

"When did you get here Kai?" I asked slightly confused.

"It looks like I got here just in time." Kai replied.

"How come you let me climb up here the other day?" I questioned.

"Because I didn't realise boards were falling off of the tree trunk." Kai said. I let out a sigh and frowned. "So he came?" Kai asked, motioning with his head towards Haruki.

"Don't talk about me like I'm not here." Haruki said. Kai just glared at him.

"Miyu chan!" Yuna called as she ran towards me and gave me a hug.

"Hi Yuna." I replied with a smile.

"Are these men fighting over you again?" Yuna asked with her arms still around me.

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