Chapter 27

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Chapter 27

After a while I was slowly coming back and heard faint voices calling out what seemed to be my name, I was in so much pain though that I couldn't move at all. All I could do was listen to the voices of people calling my name.

"Kai! I found her!" someone who sounded like Haruki called out.

"Crap, blood stains..." Kai muttered as he traced a finger along my back where it felt warm and wet. I winced because it hurt slightly and Haruki grabbed my hand.

"It's alright Miyuki, you're gonna be okay alright?" he assured me as warm, silent tears escaped my eyes.

"Miyuki does it hurt?" Kai questioned, I couldn't say anything, and all I could do was whimper.

"It's gonna be alright, we'll make sure of it." Haruki tried to reassure me I struggled a little more but finally found my voice.

"It's not.... gonna be alright... it will never.... Be alright...." I managed my voice struggling to sound strong as I tried to push myself up, my arms shook for a while and then I collapsed back onto my stomach.

"Here let me help you." Kai offered as he slipped his arm underneath my stomach and hoisted me up so my back was resting against his chest. "It's alright, you're gonna be okay, we're here now." Kai reassured me as he gently and slowly stroked my hair.

I sort of turned around so I was facing him and tears formed in my eyes. I buried my face into his chest and sobbed silently.

"Kai.... I'm so scared.... I'm terrified, I don't wanna die." I whispered as I continued to sob. I felt Kai's body tense up and when I looked up at him he looked so sad, Haruki was behind him kneeling down and he had to look down so he wouldn't have to meet my gaze.

"You don't have to be scared Miyuki..." Kai barely managed to say confidently.

"Maybe.... Maybe it would have been better if nobody ever met me, if I was just alone and nobody knew who I was, maybe, if everyone forgot about me, everyone would be happy, maybe I'm nothing but a burden to those around me." I said.

"So many people love you here Miyuki, why would you say something like this? I'm never gonna let you go, so please.... Please stop crying.... Please Miyuki...." Kai begged as more tears escaped my eyes and Kai pulled me tighter towards him.

"I'm going to die, nothing will prevent the future Kai and you can't change the future." I stated.

"Don't say that Miyuki!" Haruki suddenly exclaimed, his little sister was standing next to him and he had an arm around her waist as she hugged him around the neck with one arm.

Haruki's suddenly outburst kinda frightened me but when I looked at him he had a hard expression on his face and tears in his eyes.

"I'm gonna change the future! And you can't stop me, someone as kind hearted as you doesn't deserve to die because of some stupid curse! And I'm gonna make sure you don't die Miyuki!" Haruki exclaimed as he got to his feet and ran.

"Haruki!" Haruka called after her big brother in a tiny childlike voice as she lifted one of her small arms up as if trying to grab him, she looked back at Kai and I once, Kai nodded and she let her tiny feet carry her after her big brother.

"I'm taking you home to your parents, you need to rest well, I'm not sure if Haruki will be ready when you have to leave us..." Kai replied as he scooped me up in his arms and carried me down the footpath towards my home.

"Kai I don't want you to leave me." I whispered as I buried my face in Kai's chest.

"I'll stay." Kai assured me.

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