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Zayn's P.O.V.

I watched as Dylan went upstairs to go to her room. Let me tell you something I really like Dylan maybe LOVE Dylan but I'm to nervous to make a move and it's just so frustrating. But I noticed her phone on the coffee table, and I thought that I would give her her phone and maybe make a move so I got up and followed after her. She was right about to go in her room when I grabbed her arm and turned her around. She gasped a little then looked at me and starred with those gorgeous eyes. Then I handed her her phone and walked I'm such a loser I didn't even have the guts to kiss her I was just to scared. Well now I just have to build up my courage hoping I will one day be able to call her mine.

Dylan's P.O.V.

DAMN YOU ZAYN MALIK! He is just so, so I can't even describe him I'm just done. Why couldn't he have just kissed me? Like grab my arm turn me around and KISS me. I just hope he will one day grow a pair of balls and ask me out cause' I think I like Zayn Malik... or love! Then I drifted off to sleep with Zayn on my mind.

*****Next Morning*******

"Dylan wake the fuck up and get your ass downstairs and eat some breakfast" Lou shouted at me from downstairs. Damn that boy knows how to yell. I don't feel like going downstairs I'm just to tired ya know, but the boys would probably pour ice cold water on me if I don't go down soon*sigh*. I then got ready and headed downstairs and when I sat down a plate of what looked like shit was placed in front of me.
"What the hell is this?" I said looking at the plate of food like it was an alien.
"It's actually scrambled eggs and toast with Nutella on it, and I tried very hard trying to make it!" Lou said pouting.
"Well in that case the over meal looks like shit offense taken. We should also go out for breakfast and always leave the cooking to me!" I said looking at Lou with with pity at his poor attempt of cooking. He sighed.
"Well at least I tried!" He said shrugging then smiling again, then walked out of the room.
"Thank The Lord you came, we were to scared to tell Lou the truth about his cooking skills." Niall said getting up and hugging me as well as the other boys.
"No problem I would die if I ate that food!"
Then of corse we went out to breakfast and I had a blast with these boys as usual. When we got back to the apartment Zayn asked to talk to me IN PRIVATE! I was seriously to scared to even go next to him, but I agreed anyways.

~~~~~~~Zayn's P.O.V.~~~~~~~~~~

Yes she agreed. One step closer. What I realized last night was, if I don't make a move on Dylan and be a chicken and let her friend zone me, it will be to late. Dylan is gorgeous, drop dead gorgeous and could be with any guy in the world in a second, that's why I need to make a move now before the love of my life will be taken by another dude. So I went to the "man cave" we have in our flat and I turned it into a I don't what to call it but I put candles everywhere and I just made it look romantic. Then she walked into the room and gasped. Take a deep breath Zayn you got this just tell her how you feel I repeated to myself over and over again.
"Dylan I ha e to tell you something." I Started off slowly.
"Y yes Zayn." She stuttered. Awe that's adorable.
"I Zayn Malik have loved you Dylan Victoria Grace ever since the first time I met you. When I first laid eyes on you, you literally took my breath away because you were so beautiful. The way your hair was a mess but you still managed to make it look perfect, the way the sun perfectly laid on your face, and how damn sexy you looked. Also how when we first touched it felt like my whole body went numb then just exploded with fireworks. I just can't even...I just... I love you Dylan!" I said looking Into her eyes, her eyes were brimming with tears and I took that moment to lean down and kiss her. It was amazing I can't even describe the sensation of how it felt, how I felt then I asked.
"Dylan will you be my girlfriend!" With that she pulled me in for another kiss and when we separated she said.
"Yes!" Then all the boys came running into the room hugging me and Dylan and congratulating us. Later that night we all say down and watched a movie and Dylan sat next to me and we cuddled and I realized that this girl next to me is the one I want to spend the rest of my life with.
Also I just realized I now can say... she's mine.

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