Shitty Week

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Dylan's P.O.V.


I woke up sweating and feeling cold and sick to my stomach then the next thing you know I was at the toilet emptying everything in my stomach, I then started sobbing because of the pain of throwing up.
"Dylan, babe are you alright!" Zayn said rushing into the bathroom looking worried as hell.
"What do think Zayn I'm sitting at a toilet puking my guts out!" I said sarcastically.
"Yet she still is sarcastic." Zayn murmured. He then walked up to me pulled my hair back and felt my forehead.
"Jeez Dylan your really burning up, let me get one of the boys to watch you while I get a thermometer." But getting the boys wasn't hard considering they were all at the bathroom door giving me worried looks.
"Don't worry Zayn we got her!" Lou said coming over to me, Zayn nodded and rushed out of the bathroom to retrieve the thermometer. I then felt puke coming up my throat, shit not again I then puked in the toilet starting to sob again.
"Awe sweet cheeks I got you." Lou said whipping my tears.
"It hurts so bad Lou!" I croaked.
"I know hun, I know." Lou replied cradling me in his arms.
"I'm back, I'm back!" Zayn shouted while walking into the bathroom.
"Alright Dylan babe open your mouth." He said. I did as told when he took the thermometer out of my mouth his eyes went wide.
Holy shit 104.6°f!" He said then pushed Lou aside pulling me in his arms.
"Let me call the tour doctor and have her take care of Dylan." Liam said while pulling out his phone and walking out the door. Ten minutes later he came back in the door with a Middle Aged lady.
"Awe you poor thing Liam explained what happened, I will try to have you feeling all better as soon as possible!" The doctor said coming up to me.
"Zayn carry Dylan to her bed, and Niall grab her a garbage can!" The doctor ordered. Zayn and Niall nodded at her, Zayn then picked me up off the ground gently while slowly walking me down to our room.
"I hope you get better fast cause' I hate seeing you in this state." Zayn said staring down at me with those gorgeous brown eyes. I then snuggled deeper into his arms. Once Zayn laid me in bed and tucked me in, Niall came with the garbage can. Then the doctor came in and started giving me a check up, Zayn stayed with me the whole time holding my hand. The doctor then told me I had food poisoning, then asked what I ate last and I told her chicken, she said that they didn't cook it all the way through. Zayn was quite upset. The doctor gave me two medicines one in the morning and one to take at night, she then wished me good luck and left. I ended being sick for one whole week! I had to stay in bed all week, and I was only allowed to get up to:
And go to the bathroom!
Zayn's rules I wasn't even allowed to get up to get food cause' Zayn would always make me go back in bed saying go rest and i'll get you food. After one week I didn't have a fever and I didn't throw up so I then was allowed to do stuff that actually required moving I was so happy!

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