Testing my Patience

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Dylan's P.O.V

When I was walking to house I kept thinking why I gave him another chance, I rarely ever gave second chances! When I walked in the door I saw the other boys gawking at me, why?

"Why are you guys at staring at me like that?" I said starting to feel uncomfortable.

"You...you ride a motorcycle!" they all exclaimed. I don't understand what's the big deal its just a motorcycle.

"Yeah and...." I said.

"Honestly I've never seen a girl ride a motorcycle, and let me tell you it's hot!" Harry exclaimed giving me a wink at the end. I saw Zayn shoot him a glair earning a chuckle from me.

"Thanks for the complement Harry means a lot." I said sarcastically. "But what do you guys want to do?"

"How about we play Call Of Duty: Ghosts" Louis suggested looking really excited. He shouldn't get his hopes up in winning none of the boys should cause I'm the best at this game.

"Hell to the yeah!" I shouted at them they all looked at me with blank expressions on their face.

"Are you sure you know how to play?" Niall asked.

" I know how to play I have an X-Box at my house and I play it all the time." I told him kind of pissed he thought that.

"Cool lets get going then." he said turning on the X-Box and controllers.

~~~~~two hours later~~~~~

"Ha ha losers I beat all of you. You all suck." I said laughing at their defeated faces.

"Can we play one more time I know you beat me before, but I feel that I'm gonna win this game" Louis said pouting at me.

''Awe Lou it's ok I know the feeling of being beat, but deal the fuck with it." I said replying to him smirking.

The other boys were chuckling while Lou was was giving me death glares. While Niall, Louis, Harry, and Liam went to play another round of COD. I just sat there scrolling through Instagram. Until Zayn came over to me.

"Hey um Dylan, I was wondering if you wanted to go get some dinner just me and you since lunch was an disaster." He said looking at me then the ground nervously

"Zayn why you have nothing to be nervous about of course I will go get some dinner with you." I said to him taking his hand and rubbing circle in it, he looked at me and smiled.

"Yeah alright, I'll remember that for next time!" He said winking at me. "Now let me just tell the boys that we are going out to dinner." He said with a huge smile on his face.

" Yeah ok let me just go grab my jacket and my shoes." I replied to him.

Zayn's P.O.V

I can't believe I had the guts to ask het out to dinner.

"Guys me Dylan are going out to dinner just me and her okay."I said making it clear we are going alone.

"Alright mate have fun"Liam said getting up and patting me on the back.

"Be carful and use protection!" Lou joked with me.

"Shut up Lou." I said laughing then I punched his shoulder and turned to see Dylan waiting by the front door patiently.

" Alright guys I'm gonna go now cause Dylan looks ready now". I said while I started walking towards her.

"Have Fun!" They all said as I walked next to Dylan.

"Hey you ready to go." I said as I opened the front door.

"Yep" she said.

**** At the restaurant ********

Zayn's P.O.V.

"After you" I said opening the door to Some little diner.

"Thanks" she giggled as she got out of the car.

After we got seated we started talking about random things like favorite animal, color, birthday etc. While we were talking I couldn't help but keep glancing at her because she looked so beautiful.

"Zayn, Zayn" She said throwing a fry at me at my face.

"What the hell" I said snapping out of my trance.

"You were in a trance." She giggled at me. Her laugh is so beautiful. I was about to talk to her some more when I saw a fan walking up to us .

"Oh sorry they are coming over here don't be upset if they say something mean they are just jealous." I say as the fan stops in front of my table she looked about my age.

"Hey Zayn I'm a big fan I just came over to say how much I love you!" She gushed.

"We'll thank you so much for your love and support do you want me to sign anything for you?" I said trying to be polite.

" Not anything signed but you what i want? You." She said taking a step closer to me. I started to feel a bit uncomfortable.

Dylan's P.O.V.

I watched as the scene unfolded in front of me. That girl wants Zayn I'm starting to feel a bit jealous which is a feeling I hate feeling.

So me being me tapped her on the shoulder.

"Excuse me miss but I was wondering if you could let me and Zayn finish our dinner." I asked her as nice as I could possibly get.

"Well excuse me bitch I didn't mean to get in your fucking way she growled taking a step closer to me. Woah if she thinks she can take me down she is damn wrong.

"Oh but darling you are in my way." I said to her looking her directly in the eyes. Then it was like I could actually see smoke coming out of her ears cause she was so mad at me, then she had the nerve to fucking slap me. Oh that bitch didn't have it coming. I hissed in pain cause she also got her claws stuck in my cheek I knew I was bleeding. I stood up as calm as possible and when I did I toward over her I then slapped her so hard on the cheek it might of left a bruise oops!

"Don't ever touch me again bitch I said storming out of the restaurant Zayn following worriedly behind me.

"Dylan love are you okay?" He said as soon as we got in the car.

"I'm fine just angry!" I said still not believing what just happened. He gave me a tissue to help stop the blood coming from my cheek, asking if I'm okay every few minutes. When we got to his house I thanked him and told him I would love to go out again sometime. he said he would to and before I left he gave me a kiss on the cheek, then I went off on my motorcycle.

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