Chapter 3 - The Ball

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I wanted to upload sooner than usual because I have been getting a lot of love for this book so yeah. Let me know what you think, love or hate. Plus, give me some suggestions on how to make the book better. So um here you go!

<3 ♥ <3 ♥

Zayn Malik's P.O.V

When our lips touched it was just . . . Wow! There were sparks. Which was strange. With my old girlfriends, I didn't really feel anything. But with this girl, it was different. And I want to find out why.

"Do you think its weird kissing a 14 year old?" She asked pulling away with a smirk. "Not at at all." I said kissing her again. She giggled and pulled away. "Come on. Can you hear Niall?" She asked. I zoned in my hearing and heard shuffling in his room. "Yeah." I answered. "Let's go than!" She said swimming to the edge. I followed after her.

We got out and started walking back. "So do they have to drink from you?" I asked. I felt angry and slightly jealous that they had to drink from her. "No." I raised an eyebrow and opened my mouth to say something but she cut me off. "But . . . it's better to drink your makers blood. They can drink another vampires blood. But if they do, they will have to drink from that vampire twice a day for three days." She said. "So?" I said. She sighed. "Fine. I have a cousin that would love to feed the boys." She took out her phone.

"Hello Paris?" I tuned in on their phone call. "Hey Kathrine!" I believe Paris said. "I have a favor to ask you." Kat said. "What . . .?" Paris dragged on. "Well I have new vampires here and they need blood." Kat explained. "No." Paris declared. "Oh! Did I forget to mention they're one direction?" The line went dead.

"What happened?" I asked her. "Wait." 5. 4. 3. 2. 1." All of a sudden, there was a blonde girl with light green eyes who was a few inches shorter than Kathrine. "What?!" She screamed. I cringed my hearing was sensitive. Kat passed her hand on my shoulder in a soothing gesture."Paris!" Kat hissed. "Sorry Zayn! Forgive me?" She pouted hugging me. Before I could respond, Kathrine pushed her off. "Don't!" Kat growled. "Oh! Sorry! Is he your-" "Shut it!" Kathrine interrupted. "What is it?" I asked. "Nothing." They said at the same time. I let it drop.

"So you turned one direction?!" Paris said. "Yeah. But I need you to feed them. Zayn wants me to himself." She said making me blush but I didn't deny it. I did want her all to myself. "Okay. I'll do it." Paris agreed. "Good. Niall is awake and he needs blood." Kat stated. "My Nialler?!" She squealed. "Ugh! Yes. Go up to my room and you'll find him at the third door. Explain why he needs to feed from you and why I can't do it." Kat demanded rubbing her temple. "Done!" Paris ran off at lightning speed. "Wow." I whispered. "Come on. Let me show you something." She said.

We walked back into the castle and into what looked like a . . . gym? "This is where you will be practicing your senses and powers." She said. "What powers?" I asked. "It is very rare. Usually royals only get them. So when I bit you guys, it made you royal." She explained. "What kind of powers are there?" I asked.

"There is compulsion. Which means you can make someone do whatever you want them to. Mind reading. There are different kinds of sorts. Like, only being able to read a persons current thoughts, you're able to read every single thought a person has ever had by one touch, or you can look in someones mind to search for any thought or single thought. That is what I have. I used it on you to find out what happened to Louis. Then there is elemental control. As in Fire, water, air, or earth. Healing. Creating the illusion of pain. Or you could make someone see what you want them to see." She listed.

"Wow that is . . . a lot." I said. "I believe there are more but none of them would be powerful enough for someone bitten by the princess of vampires." She said. "So when will we find out our powers?" I asked. "Possibly after the ball?" She suggested. She turned to the door. Paris came in.

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