Chapter 18 - Leaving

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Well here is Chapter 18. This book will be coming to an end soon!! But don't worry!!! I plan on writing a second book. Which will have new characters!! A.k.a new spots!!

 So I now have a computer which means I might post faster idk! But I hope you guys like this chapter cause its a bit iffy.

So you can either comment that you wanna be in my second book, or comment cool ideas that you want to happen in the second book. Well I'll give you more details later on but for now enjoy chapter 18!!!

P.S name your favorite character!!!!!!!!!!


Katherine's P.O.V

I groaned. So Bo was right. Something is wrong with Niall. I feel bad for him. He was this first to take a life, he has the most deadly power, and I've taken from everything he's ever known.

I leaned on the rail of the balcony. I let out a breath and looked out over the forest.

"I should have never done this. I should have just approached Zayn like a normal girl. Instead I decided to be an idiot and kidnap all of them. I turned them into monsters, making them kill and become me. I took them from their families, friends, and career. 100 years from now, everyone they know will be long gone and I will be the cause." I said out loud

"You're wrong!" A voice shouted behind me. Liam. I turned and stared at him. "I'm not. If it wasn't for me, you wouldn't be risking your lives for mine. You wouldn't be soulless murderers." I stated.

"Katherine if it wasn't for us you would be marrying that jerk off Rayden. You wouldn't have met Bo, Chelsea, or Jasmine. Admit it Kat! Bedsides this enemy, every other adventure has been super fun!" Liam declared.

He was right. These idiotic boys have brought fun and adventures in my life.

Liam walked up and leaned on the rail too. "I know you think we hate this but . . . our lives have never been so great. Sure our family and friends will die but it was going to happen anyway. Of course we'll be sad, but we will all be there for each other. Katherine . . . You have given us an eternal adventure." Liam smiled.

What he said brought tears to my eyes. I gave him a quick hug. "Thank you liam." I said. He nodded and we both stared at the forest in silence. It didn't last long.

"Katherine?" Bo's small voice called. Liam and I turned. "Are you going to see Niall soon?" She asked. I looked at Liam. "Liam, are you ready?" He nodded. "Then let's go."

We went to the dungeon. There we found Niall on the floor bound in chains. He was covered in dirt and his clothes were torn. Harry and Zayn said he tried escaping several times of the past few days. Luckily he hasn't had blood in days which makes him weak.

I opened the cell and he looked up with a smirk. I walked closer.

"Niall, what's wrong? You would never attack a friend." I asked him. "Nothing is wrong. I have just realized how much of a useless princess you are." He growled. I was about to lunge at him but Liam held me back.

"Niall?" Bo called. He looked at her and something passed through his eyes. Yet as soon as it appeared, it vanished and was soon replaced with hatred. "You are even more useless! You don't even have any power. Why would the princess even want your help. You'll probably get them all killed by getting in the way." Niall snarled.

"How dare you?! She is the only person here keeping you alive! Louis wants to kill you without hesitation! She wants you to live!" I yell. He scoffed. "Please, he's weak." Niall rolled his eyes.

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