Chapter 24 - The End (Part 2)

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This is it! The final chapter!! But before you read... I would like to thank all of you guys for all the love I received for this book! :) Um I don't know what I'm going to do with my characters -_- but I know I promised more spots in this book but there are already too many characters...


I will be adding a few new characters and taking a few out but they're just going to be in different places in the book.

But you will understand once you read the second book. But rest assured!! All the characters you love will still be in it.

OH!! And there will be some new species so if you have any cool ideas and wanna be in it just tell me your cool species and all the other requirements to be in my book.

Well I've wrote enough!!!

So why don't you... come up to the lab and SEE, what's on the slab?

Here's 24!!! The end!!

P.s there is a bit of gore in this chapter so if you don't like that kind of stuff then suck it up and keep on reading!! J-K do what you want!


Katherine Blake's P.O.V

I woke up to a blinding afternoon sun coming through my window. It was almost 4 in the afternoon. We attack at midnight.

I turned over to see Zayn still sleeping peacefully.

I started lazily tracing the lines of his face. When my hand touched his cheek, he stirred.

He opened his eyes and took my hand.

"Good morning beautiful." He smiled.

"Morning." I smiled back.

He kissed my forehead and sat up.

"Before we get ready... I have to do something." He stood up and walked over to the closet.

I heard him rummage around until he found what he was looking for. He came out with his hands behind his back.

I sat up and raised an eyebrow.

He sat cross legged in front of me. I did the same so our knees were touching.

He pulled a small red box from behind his back.

I shook my head in surprise, tears lining my eyes. He nodded and looked at the box in his hand.

"I don't know what's going to happen today but I just wanted to see you wearing the engagement ring I got you. This isn't like a goodbye or anything it's more of... a promise! That no matter how far apart we are or how bad things get, I'll always love and think of you. No matter what." He finished.

He opened the box and I gasped. It was beautiful! The diamond was just a bit smaller than a dime. It wasn't the biggest diamond ever but I loved it.

There were two rings. The first ring's band was separated into two parts and swirled around each other.

The other ring had a sort of bend in it to making the part that would cover my finger a v. That same part was covered in diamonds.

"So will you be mine forever?" He asked.

I smiled and wrapped my arms around him. I pulled away for him to put the rings on me.

They fit perfectly on me. Just like how my hands fit perfectly in his or how our lips mold perfectly into each other.

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